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Pake packaging static file example

Tlntin edited this page May 28, 2024 · 3 revisions
  1. Find a static directory, such as AriaNG, and unzip it.

  2. Make sure that pake-cli >= 2.3.3 is installed. If you are not sure what version you have, you can use pake --version to determine it.

  3. Execute the following command to package the static files. The startup file is usually index.html. Of course, it may be other files. It depends on the front end.

    pake ./AriaNg-1.3.6/index.html --name html-test --use-local-file
    • --name is to set the package name. Generally speaking, there are certain standards. To put it simply, try to use English, or -, without spaces, and do not use capital letters in Linux.

    • --use-local-file is a recursive copy, which will copy files at the same level and subdirectories of index.html

  4. Then it will be packaged. After successful packaging, the final file will be generated in the current directory.

  5. If you need other settings, such as icons, etc., you can refer to bin/