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ADNL documentation

Minimal client-server ADNL implementation in Rust. Specification of ADNL is available here.

Feature Status
ADNL Client ✅ Implemented
ADNL Server ❌ Not implemented
async ✅ Implemented
ed25519 libs curve25519_dalek + x25519_dalek


Run this example: cargo run --example time

use adnl::AdnlClient;
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use std::net::SocketAddrV4;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // decode liteserver public key
    let remote_public: [u8; 32] = base64::decode("JhXt7H1dZTgxQTIyGiYV4f9VUARuDxFl/1kVBjLSMB8=")
        .context("Error decode base64")?
        .try_into().map_err(|_| anyhow!("Bad public key length"))?;

    let ls_ip = "";
    let ls_port = 46427;
    // create AdnlClient
    let mut client =
        AdnlClient::connect(remote_public, SocketAddrV4::new(ls_ip.parse()?, ls_port)).await?;

    // already serialized TL with gettime query
    let mut query = hex::decode("7af98bb435263e6c95d6fecb497dfd0aa5f031e7d412986b5ce720496db512052e8f2d100cdf068c7904345aad16000000000000")?;

    // send over ADNL, use random nonce
    client.send(&mut query).await?;

    // receive result into vector, use 8192 bytes buffer
    let mut result = Vec::<u8>::new();
    client.receive(&mut result).await?;

    // get time from serialized TL answer
        "received: {}",
        u32::from_le_bytes(result[result.len() - 7..result.len() - 3].try_into()?)