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Multi Tenant Operator Documentation

Documentation for Multi Tenant Operator

SAAP docs are built using MkDocs which is based on Python.

GitHub Actions

This repository has GitHub action workflow which checks the quality of the documentation and builds the Dockerfile image on Pull Requests. On a push to the main branch, it will create a GitHub release and push the built Dockerfile image to an image repository.

How to make changes

It is important to know that you should only make changes in theme_override and content directory. Also, be mindful of which mkdocs.yml file you change since there are more than one such files.

Take update on git submodule

This project contains a git submodule and if you wish to take an update on it, you can use this command:

git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

view .gitmodules file to see linked git submodules.

Build locally

There are at least three options to get fast continuous feedback during local development:

  1. Build and run the docs using the Dockerfile image
  2. Run the commands locally

Build Dockerfile image and run container

Build Dockerfile test image:

docker build . -t test -f Dockerfilelocal

Run test container:

docker run -p 8080:8080 test

Then access the docs on localhost:8080.

Run commands locally

Use virtualenvwrapper to set up Python virtual environment.

Install Python 3.

Install python environment dependencies if you are using any other than what is defined in theme_common.

Then run below script to prepare theme from local and common theme resources. It will output to dist/_theme directory and create mkdocs.yml file in root directory. We are also installing the python dependencies coming from theme_common here.


Finally, serve the docs using the built-in web server which is based on Python http server - note that the production build will use Nginx instead:

mkdocs serve


python3 -m mkdocs serve

if you want to make theme changes with live reload, you can use --watch-theme with serve like below:

mkdocs serve --watch-theme

Then, you can make changes in content or dist/_theme folder. Please note that dist/_theme is a build folder and any changes made here will be lost if you do not move them to theme_common or theme_override folder.

QA Checks

Markdown linting:

brew install markdownlint-cli
markdownlint -c .markdownlint.yaml content

Spell checking:

brew install vale
vale sync
vale content

Use Tilt

Install Tilt, then run:

tilt up