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A simple Search Bar with FlatList Component for handling huge and large data.


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A simple Search Bar with Flatlist Component for handling huge and large data.

With simple search capability which can be utilised by handing the component data to Flatlist Component and providing a onClick function which will receive the item selected of the data array.

The search function uses a Dice Algorithm to traverse the data and looks for an indexOf the user input within all strings, numbers, and boolean values in the data.

Build for React Native App and works on both Android and iOS.


npm install --save rn-searchbox


yarn add rn-searchbox

Component props

Property Type Default Description
onClick(item) function null Fires after each Click and return item data.
itemsStyles array [] The array of styles of data to be displayed in FlatList.
data array [] required* The array of data to be searched
placeholder string Search The placeholder for the search bar.
onFocus function null Fires when the search bar receives focus.
onBlur function null Fires when the search bar loses focus.
closeButton Component MaterialIcon Sets the close button component.
closeButtonAccessibilityLabel string Clear search text Accessibility label for the close button.
heightAdjust number 0 Adjust the height of the search bar.
backgroundColor string white The background colour of the search bar.
iconColor string gray The color of the back and X icons.
textColor string gray The color of the search bar text.
selectionColor string lightskyblue The color of the the search bar cursor and text selection.
placeholderTextColor string lightgray The color of the placeholder text.
showOnLoad boolean false Show the search bar when it is first rendered.
clearOnShow boolean false Clear input when the search bar is shown.
clearOnHide boolean true Clear input when the search bar is hidden.
clearOnBlur boolean false Clear input when the search bar is blurred.
focusOnLayout boolean true Focus the text input box whenever it is shown.
autoCorrect boolean true AutoCorrect the search bar text.
autoCapitalize string sentences Auto capitialize behaviour of the text input - enum('none', 'sentences', 'words', 'characters')
keyboardAppearance string 'default' Determines the color of the keyboard.
fontFamily string System The font family to be used.
fontSize number 20 Sets the font size.


import React, { Component } from 'react' 
import { StyleSheet, Alert } from 'react-native' 
import SearchBox from 'rn-searchbox' 

export default class Example extends Component {
    onClick(item) {
        Alert.alert('Item: '+JSON.stringify(item)) 
    render() {
        return (
                onClick={(item) => this.onClick(item)}

const itemsStyle = () => {
    return {
        name: {
            fontSize: 18
        email: {
            color: 'red'
        phone: {
            fontSize: 16,
            color: 'blue'

const data = {
                "key": "0",
                "name": "Proxima Midnight",
                "phone": "+216 54 548 216"
                "key": "1",
                "name": "Ebony Maw",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "key": "2",
                "name": "Black Dwarf",
                "key": "3",
                "name": "Mad Titan",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "phone": "+216 54 548 100",
                "adress": "Sousse, Tunis"

Next Step:

  • Possibility to add a custom icon/image to the ListView
  • New Algorithm for String Matching
  • Update docs for Box component
  • Update react, react-native & other dependencies


Feel free to contact me or create an issue.


kerim selmi karimation


This project is licensed under the MIT License


A simple Search Bar with FlatList Component for handling huge and large data.








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