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Releases: rhymeswithmogul/PSGopher

PSGopher 2: Electric Boogaloo

28 Mar 04:25
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This is a major release! We've introduced translations, unit tests, and a whole slew of bug fixes! This will be released to PowerShell Gallery later today.

Update-Module PSGopher


  • Added support for language translations! Create a file called translations.json in this module's language folder, and this script will find it (e.g., en-US/translations.json). Please contribute them on GitHub!
  • Fixed content type reporting. Now, types are always an ASCII character, and never a number. This is in line with the Gopher specification. For example, the Gophermap type will be reported correctly as '1' (ASCII 49) instead of 1 (1). Please update any code that relies on this module.
  • Added Pester tests.
  • Fixed a bug where explicit content types might be returned as plain text when they are in fact Gopher menus.
  • Fixed a bug where saving binary files with -OutFile might throw an error under some circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug where saving text files with -OutFile might append an additional CR+LF.
  • Fixed a bug where the Content property would not contain correct data when using Gopher+ views.
  • Fixed a bug where generic images (those of type I) would not be detected as images, due to PowerShell's Switch blocks being case-insensitive, even when using regular expressions.
  • Remove Desktop from PSCompatibleEditions. This module has required PowerShell 7 since the beginning, and was never compatible with downlevel versions.
  • Cleaned up minor things reported by PSScriptAnalyzer.

Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v2.0.0

Now with more reading material!

24 Nov 06:19
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Gopher was meant to be a document retrieval system. This time, I'm bringing the documents to you in this minor release. The Gopher RFCs, as well as the Gopher+ specification, are now included in the module itself for quick access and offline reading:

Get-Help about_Gopher
Get-Help about_Gopher+
Get-Help about_GopherUriScheme

The cmdlet Invoke-GopherRequest itself has not changed.

Update-Module PSGopher

Gopher with TLS 1.3 -- who would have guessed?

29 Oct 14:18
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Version 1.3.2 has just been released with plenty of security features to authenticate and encrypt your SecureGopher connections:

  • Opportunistic TLS can be enabled with the new -TrySSL parameter. In contrast, the -UseSSL parameter makes a TLS connection mandatory, and fails if it's not supported.
  • The also-non-standard sgopher and gopher+tls URL schemes are now supported, in addition to the existing gophers. (Using any of these implies -UseSSL.)
  • When using SecureGopher, the debug stream now shows the TLS protocol version and negotiated cipher/ciphersuite.

In addition, the help now notes that the .NET runtime performs certificate validation.

Disclaimer: your operating system, .NET runtime, and PowerShell version must all support TLS 1.3. It's working for me on PowerShell 7.2.7 on Linux. If this isn't supported, it'll fall back to TLS 1.2 or an older version (depending on what your SystemDefault is).

Grab it from the PowerShell Gallery.

Install-Module PSGopher

Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.2

Gophers for everyone!

01 Jul 06:06
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This version adds support for the (non-standard) gophers:// URL scheme. Doing this will require a secure connection, the same as using the -UseSSL parameter:

PS C:\>  Invoke-GopherRequest "gophers://"

There are also many under-the-hood changes.

Full-text search is now supported!

30 Jun 01:57
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This version adds support for type 7 (full-text search) and allows you to send data back to a Gopher server. Use the -InputObject parameter to perform full-text searches!

For example:

PS C:\> Invoke-GopherRequest "gopher://" -InputObject 'I can search for things now!'

Bug fixes galore!

08 Feb 13:20
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Greetings, WWW users! We have an update for PSGopher, including:

  • Fixed a bug where the content type negotiation would fail when the second character of the URL was not a forward slash. For example:
    • gopher:// worked, fetching /textfile.txt.
    • gopher:// did not work, fetching /0textfile.txt instead.
  • Fixed a bug where non-URL Links were missing from the Links property.
  • More file types are recognized by the content type guesser, such as OpenDocument and gemtext documents.

First release

05 Dec 15:49
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This is the first release.