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Repository files navigation

Project Name: Employee Management System Overview: I have created an Employee Management System, which is a Spring Boot project designed to manage employee records efficiently. The application features a navigation bar with sections for "Home" and "Add Employee".

Features: Home Section: Displays a list of all employee records. Add Employee Section: Allows users to enter employee details. On submitting the form, a POST API is triggered to save the data to the database. Update and Delete: Update: Allows users to update existing employee records. Delete: Allows users to delete employee records from the database.

Technologies Used: Spring Boot HTML, CSS Bootstrap Thymeleaf SQL (MySQL Workbench)

Tools Used: Postman: Used for manual testing of APIs. Spring Tool Suite (STS): Used for development. MySQL Workbench: Used for database management.

Usage: 1)Run the Application: Start the application and navigate to http://localhost:8081. 2)Home Page: View all employee records using the GET API to fetch data from the database. 3}Add Employee: Navigate to the "Add Employee" section, fill out the form, and submit to trigger the POST API. 4)Update/Delete Employee: Use the provided buttons to update or delete records, which will trigger the respective APIs.

Project Structure: 1)Controller Layer: Contains handler methods mapped to GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATE endpoints. 2)Service Layer: Contains the business logic. 3)Model Class: Defines the entity classes. 4)Repository Layer: Manages database interactions using MySQL, connected through application properties.

Dependencies: Generated using Spring Initializr with the following dependencies:

1)Spring Boot Starter Thymeleaf 2)Spring Boot Starter Web 3)Spring Boot Starter Data JPA 4)Spring Boot DevTools 5)Spring Boot Starter Data JDBC


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