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Basic go programs which can be run as separate files

  1. LRU Cache
  2. Heap using array (MinHeap & MaxHeap)
  3. Rotate array (Clockwise & Anticlockwise)
  4. Fascinating No
  5. Absolute distinct values count
  6. Binary Array Sorting
  7. Bitonic point
  8. Convert Zeros to Any number
  9. Count minimum moves to front to get 1..n in order
  10. Equilibrium Index of array
  11. Even occurrences of elements in array
  12. Exceptionally odd occurring element
  13. Replace elements with next greatest element
  14. Check if fibonacci
  15. Maximum odd sum in array
  16. Merge sort
  17. Find missing ranges
  18. Pair Sum
  19. Partition point
  20. Queue using array
  21. Remove Duplicate elements
  22. Reverse elements in groups in array
  23. Rotate array elements
  24. Shuffle elements from middle to outwards
  25. Sort elements - odd in desc and even in asc
  26. Stack using array
  27. Sum Triange display in array
  28. Top k frequent elements in array
  29. Triplet Family
  30. Triplet Sum
  31. ZigZag order in array
  32. Largest number from given digits
  33. Segregate Odd, Even and sort
  34. Sort 0s, 1s, 2s