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LSTM networks optimization for embedded Devices

ISRU - a faster alternative to tanh() activation function

Note: herein isru() sometimes is also referenced as tanf()

I present a new activation function that may improve NN performance and reduce training time of LSTM RNN or similar networks that contain large number of neurons using tanh() activation function. This repo contains research materials on this new activation function. To my knowledge this function was briefly mentioned in the paper is known as inverse square root unit (ISRU). Origin of this ISRU function in my research can be found in the included in this repo Wolfram Mathematica notebook.

Activation Function


  • Tanh() is the slowest (to compute) activation function used in ML. For example, in LSTM neurons there are 2 independent tanh()

  • Depending on the CPU/C++ compiler implementation (usually high performance ML code is written in C++) tanh() maybe relatively slow, especially on thin clients and IoT devices

  • Reducing NN training time saves money! And energy! This function is environmentally friendly!

  • Providing even marginally faster classification or prediction results maybe important in mission critical applications

  • Are there any other function's characteristics that may be beneficial in ML applications?

  • Preliminary results show 1-2% acceleration of training, classification and prediction with LSTM networks of relatively small size, while no notable decrease in learning rate or accuracy was detected.

  • Expect even better results with larger LSTM RNNs

Function attributes

Here I compare the above activation function with tanh() and softplus() activation functions used in many ML packages such as Tensorflow, Torch and others.

Below: tanh() -- BLUE, f() -- RED, softplus() -- GREEN.


Plot f(x), tanh(x), softplus(X)


Derivative or

Derivative Plot


Integral Plot

Performance Analysis

See notebooks in the repo. For example, below is the chart of a small LSTM NN training and prediction performance improvement when using the new activation function instead of tanh(). Network size between 10 and 300 LSTM neurons doing multivariant weather prediction.

Measurable performance improvement

Note that the accuracy with the same hyperparameters is practically not affected.

Same accuracy as tanh()

What's in this repo

This repo contains research resources and test apps. Try running test apps on your computer and record test results.


Simple app to measure performance of different math functions.

Linux/WSL and MAC OS

To build and run the test execute math-bench/

  • Xcode command-line tools is required to compile this app.


Open math-bench\math-bench.sln file with Visual Studio 2022. Run the solution.

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Community edition or better is required.


Very simple native (C++) LSTM network performance test. This is Up to 300 LSTM neurons, single layer multivariate weather predictor network.

Linux/WSL and MAC OS

To build and run the test execute lstm-basic-test/

  • Xcode command-line tools is required to compile this app.


Open lstm-basic-test\lstm-basic-test.sln file with Visual Studio 2022. Run the solution.

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Community edition or better is required.

Visualize Results

Use provided jupyter notebooks to visualize results.

  • Python 3.8 with Tensorflow 2.7 or later is required
  • To visualize math-bench results, open performance_charts.ipynb
  • To visualize lstm-basic-test results, open lstm-stats.ipynb
  • To visualize lstm network performance when using isru() vs tanh() open lstm-net-size-analysis.ipynb or rnn-lstm-test-visualization.ipynb.

LSTM networks tests

See this for more info.

Using multithreading to improve LSTM network performance on CPU

Because weights in LSTM neurons are independent vectors within a single layer, it is possible to perform some computations in 5 parallel threads. This may improve calculations of forward and backward propagation, as well as Adam optimizer. However, due to multithreading overhead, this approach will, in general, only improve on nets with 100 or more neurons per layer.

To visualize stats comparing single-threaded and multi-threaded approach for different network sizes on different CPUs, see mt-performance.ipynb.