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Chat with your Data

Chat with your Data is a Streamlit application designed to facilitate interactive exploration of data stored in various formats, including CSV files, Excel files, and data fetched from APIs. It integrates a language model-based chatbot that enables users to ask questions about the data, providing insights and analysis in a conversational manner.


  • Data Interaction: Users can upload CSV files, fetch data from the Facebook Ads API, or even upload Excel files, allowing flexibility in data source.
  • Natural Language Interaction: Utilizes a language model-based chatbot to interpret user questions and provide insightful responses about the data.
  • Dynamic Visualization: Offers dynamic visualizations and summaries of the data based on user queries, enhancing data exploration and understanding. (Note: May not work as expected, still under development)
  • Customizable Language Models: Users can choose between different language models, such as OpenAI and Gemini-Pro, and configure API keys for seamless integration.
  • Conversation History: Maintains a conversation history, enabling users to review past interactions with the chatbot.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd your-repository
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Configure API keys:


  1. Run the Streamlit app:

    streamlit run
  2. Select an option to load dataset:

    • Upload a CSV file
    • Upload an Excel file
    • Fetch data using the Facebook API
  3. Choose a language model for the chatbot and enter the corresponding API key.

  4. Open your web browser and navigate to the provided AWS Studio URL, removing any trailing parameters (e.g., "lab?") after the default, and then append /proxy/8501(port number)/ to the end. The URL format should look like this: https://{NOTEBOOK_URL}/proxy/8501/.(This Instructions is only for AWS studio). Enter prompts and receive natural language responses from the chatbot.

Note ⚠️⚠️

Please note that currently, our app is not efficient at generating chart-based responses within the chat_message frame. Charts are displayed at the top of the web app and may be overwritten when new chart questions are asked. We are actively working on improving this feature.



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