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DRAGON-AI Project Cookiecutter

A Cookiecutter template for projects using CurateGPT.


The following are required and recommended tools for using this cookiecutter and the LinkML project that it generates. This is all one-time setup, so if you have already done it skip to the next section!

  • Python >= 3.8

    LinkML tools are mainly written in Python, so you will need a recent Python interpreter to run this generator and to use the generated project.

  • pipx

    pipx is a tool for managing isolated Python-based applications. It is the recommended way to install Poetry and cruft. To install pipx follow the instructions here:

  • Poetry

    Poetry is a Python project management tool. You will use it in your generated project to manage dependencies and build distribution files. If you have pipx installed you can install Poetry by running:

    pipx install poetry

    For other installation methods see:

  • Poetry behind firewalls

    In sandboxed environments (proxy or internal repositories), you must configure poetry source in ~/.config/pypoetry/pyproject.toml to allow software installation, illustrated below:

    name = "myproxy"
    url = ""
    priority = "default"
  • Poetry Dynamic Versioning Plugin:

    This plugin automatically updates certain version strings in your generated project when you publish it. Your generated project will automatically be set up to use it. Install it by running:

    poetry self add "poetry-dynamic-versioning[plugin]"
  • cruft

    cruft is a tool for generating projects based on a cookiecutter (like this one!) as well as keeping those projects updated if the original cookiecutter changes. Install it with pipx by running:

    pipx install cruft

    You may also choose to not have a persistent installation of cruft, in which case you would replace any calls to the cruft command below with pipx run cruft.

  • OpenAI API key

Creating a new project

Step 1: Generate the project files

To generate a new LinkML project run the following:

cruft create

Alternatively, to add linkml project files to pre-existing directory, (perhaps an existing non-linkml project), pass -f option:

cruft create -f

Step 2: Initialize

cd my-project-name
make bootstrap

TODO: document human-in-the-loop-cycle

Step 3: Make full project

make install
make all


Cookiecutter for DRAGON-AI projects







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