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CRUDs example instance of mFW.

  • Install mfw-cli

    # npm install @microservice-framework/mfw-cli -g
  • Init application folder

    # mkdir test && cd test && mfw setup
    name:  Example-1
    version:  (1.0.0)
    Mongo URL:  (mongodb://localhost:27017/mfw)
    Mongo Options (example: ?replicaSet=rs1&slaveOk=true):
    	[ok]	/Volumes/DATA/gor/Sites/Repositories/GitHub/itpatrol/microservice/mfw-cli/2/services created.
    	[ok]	/Volumes/DATA/gor/Sites/Repositories/GitHub/itpatrol/microservice/mfw-cli/2/pids created.
    	[ok]	/Volumes/DATA/gor/Sites/Repositories/GitHub/itpatrol/microservice/mfw-cli/2/logs created.
    	[ok]	/Volumes/DATA/gor/Sites/Repositories/GitHub/itpatrol/microservice/mfw-cli/2/configs created.
    	[ok]	.gitignore copied
    	[war]	/Volumes/DATA/gor/Sites/Repositories/GitHub/itpatrol/microservice/mfw-cli/2 already exists.

    Application folder is a bundle for all your services.

  • Install example-1

    # mfw install github:microservice-framework/example-1 --save
    	-	downloading example-1
    	-	copiyng example-1 to /Volumes/DATA/gor/Sites/Repositories/GitHub/itpatrol/microservice/mfw-cli/2/services/example-1
    	-	installing dependencies for example-1
    Mongo URL:  (mongodb://localhost:27017/mfw)
    Mongo Table:  (record)
    Mongo prefix(db):  (example)
    Mongo Options (example: ?replicaSet=rs1&slaveOk=true):
    IP or hostname of the server:  (
    Port:  (15001)
    Number of workers:  (2)
    Do not change:  (record.json)
    SECURE_KEY:  (1597b760b89bbf2a6c70cebad6426cd868458e0669d01d44)
    PID file path:  (../../pids/
    Log file path:  (../../logs/example-1.log)
    	[ok]	github:microservice-framework/example-1 installed.
  • start service in debug mode

    # mfw start -d example-1
      -	starting example-1:start in devel mode
    cluster:main Starting up 2 workers. +0ms
    cluster:main Worker 9955 is online +68ms
    cluster:main Worker 9956 is online +4ms
    http:log Listen on :15001 +0ms
    http:log Listen on :15001 +0ms
  • open new terminal and run tests:

    # cd test/services/example-1
    # npm run test
    > [email protected] test /Volumes/DATA/gor/Sites/Repositories/GitHub/itpatrol/microservice/mfw-cli/2/services/example-1
    > mocha  --timeout 15000
      ✓ POST should return 200 (102ms)
      ✓ SEARCH should return 200 (80ms)
      ✓ GET should return 200
      ✓ DELETE should return 200
      ✓ GET after delete should return nothing
    5 passing (248ms)

    Example service works in debug mode, so you will see debug output in first terminal:

    http:log Request: POST: / +1m
    http:debug Data: {"user":"example-user","body":"Example record body"} +5ms
    microservice:validate Validate:requestDetails { url: '',
    microservice:validate   headers:
    microservice:validate    { accept: 'application/json',
    microservice:validate      'user-agent': 'MicroserviceClient.1.0.1',
    microservice:validate      signature: 'sha256=8cd4b6b01bb4a238720bafeed09efa5f9bf043dd8b061d240a833a11f5e1ca9a',
    microservice:validate      host: '',
    microservice:validate      'content-type': 'application/json',
    microservice:validate      'content-length': '52',
    microservice:validate      connection: 'close' },
    microservice:validate   _buffer: '{"user":"example-user","body":"Example record body"}',
    microservice:validate   method: 'POST' }  +3ms
    microservice:validate Validate:SignatureSystem +4ms
    http:debug Parsed data: { user: 'example-user', body: 'Example record body' } +1ms
    http:debug Handler responce:
    http:debug  { code: 200,
    http:debug   answer:
    http:debug    { user: 'example-user',
    http:debug      body: 'Example record body',
    http:debug      created: 1494780200312,
    http:debug      changed: 1494780200312,
    http:debug      token: 'e837d5b5e14c767057c4bbfb56aaa7cde46313f577d8b7b9',
    http:debug      id: 591889281bbf3626e3777d5d } } +52ms
    http:log Request: SEARCH: / +1m
    http:debug Data: {"user":"example-user"} +4ms
    microservice:validate Validate:requestDetails { url: '',
    microservice:validate   headers:
    microservice:validate    { accept: 'application/json',
    microservice:validate      'user-agent': 'MicroserviceClient.1.0.1',
    microservice:validate      signature: 'sha256=ca30653f44e4feda5bb1625619ae9a53adf010851310f078bdcb72aa462fcdbb',
    microservice:validate      host: '',
    microservice:validate      'content-type': 'application/json',
    microservice:validate      'content-length': '23',
    microservice:validate      connection: 'close' },
    microservice:validate   _buffer: '{"user":"example-user"}',
    microservice:validate   method: 'SEARCH' }  +3ms
    microservice:validate Validate:SignatureSystem +4ms
    http:debug Parsed data: { user: 'example-user' } +0ms
    http:debug Handler responce:
    http:debug  { code: 200,
    http:debug   answer:
    http:debug    [ { user: 'example-user',
    http:debug        body: 'Example record body',
    http:debug        created: 1494780200312,
    http:debug        changed: 1494780200312,
    http:debug        token: 'e837d5b5e14c767057c4bbfb56aaa7cde46313f577d8b7b9',
    http:debug        id: 591889281bbf3626e3777d5d } ],
    http:debug   headers: { 'x-total-count': 1 } } +54ms
    http:log Request: GET: /591889281bbf3626e3777d5d +104ms
    microservice:validate Validate:requestDetails { url: '591889281bbf3626e3777d5d',
    microservice:validate   headers:
    microservice:validate    { accept: 'application/json',
    microservice:validate      'user-agent': 'MicroserviceClient.1.0.1',
    microservice:validate      token: 'e837d5b5e14c767057c4bbfb56aaa7cde46313f577d8b7b9',
    microservice:validate      host: '',
    microservice:validate      connection: 'close' },
    microservice:validate   _buffer: '',
    microservice:validate   method: 'GET' }  +1ms
    microservice:validate Validate:TokenSystem +0ms
    http:debug Parsed data: {} +12ms
    http:debug Handler responce:
    http:debug  { code: 200,
    http:debug   answer:
    http:debug    { user: 'example-user',
    http:debug      body: 'Example record body',
    http:debug      created: 1494780200312,
    http:debug      changed: 1494780200312,
    http:debug      token: 'e837d5b5e14c767057c4bbfb56aaa7cde46313f577d8b7b9',
    http:debug      id: 591889281bbf3626e3777d5d } } +5ms
    http:log Request: DELETE: /591889281bbf3626e3777d5d +33ms
    microservice:validate Validate:requestDetails { url: '591889281bbf3626e3777d5d',
    microservice:validate   headers:
    microservice:validate    { accept: 'application/json',
    microservice:validate      'user-agent': 'MicroserviceClient.1.0.1',
    microservice:validate      token: 'e837d5b5e14c767057c4bbfb56aaa7cde46313f577d8b7b9',
    microservice:validate      host: '',
    microservice:validate      'content-length': '0',
    microservice:validate      connection: 'close' },
    microservice:validate   _buffer: '',
    microservice:validate   method: 'DELETE' }  +1ms
    microservice:validate Validate:TokenSystem +0ms
    http:debug Parsed data: {} +9ms
    http:debug Handler responce:
    http:debug  { code: 200,
    http:debug   answer:
    http:debug    { user: 'example-user',
    http:debug      body: 'Example record body',
    http:debug      created: 1494780200312,
    http:debug      changed: 1494780200312,
    http:debug      token: 'e837d5b5e14c767057c4bbfb56aaa7cde46313f577d8b7b9',
    http:debug      id: 591889281bbf3626e3777d5d } } +5ms
    http:log Request: GET: /591889281bbf3626e3777d5d +24ms
    microservice:validate Validate:requestDetails { url: '591889281bbf3626e3777d5d',
    microservice:validate   headers:
    microservice:validate    { accept: 'application/json',
    microservice:validate      'user-agent': 'MicroserviceClient.1.0.1',
    microservice:validate      token: 'e837d5b5e14c767057c4bbfb56aaa7cde46313f577d8b7b9',
    microservice:validate      host: '',
    microservice:validate      connection: 'close' },
    microservice:validate   _buffer: '',
    microservice:validate   method: 'GET' }  +0ms
    microservice:validate Validate:TokenSystem +0ms
    microservice:validate MongoClient:findOneAndUpdate object not found. +3ms
    http:debug Validation error: Not found +0ms
  • now you can interrupt devel mode by ctrl+C and start as a standalone service:

    # mfw start example-1
      -	starting example-1:start
      [ok]	example-1:start started
  • check status

    # mfw status
      -	checking example-1:status
      SERVICE    VERSION   PID   CPU    MEM    Comment
      example-1  1.0.1     9326  0.60   37
      1 / 0                      0.6 %  37 Mb
  • to stop service, just run:

    # mfw stop example-1
      -	stopping example-1:stop
  • Check service logs in file logs/example-1.log

    Sun, 14 May 2017 16:45:24 GMT cluster:main Starting up 2 workers.
    Sun, 14 May 2017 16:45:24 GMT cluster:main Worker 9978 is online
    Sun, 14 May 2017 16:45:24 GMT cluster:main Worker 9977 is online
    Sun, 14 May 2017 16:45:24 GMT http:log Listen on :15001
    Sun, 14 May 2017 16:45:24 GMT http:log Listen on :15001

In file services/example-1/schema/record.json you can define fields for your record. Each POST request will be validated to match data to this record specification.


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