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Famous Athletes

GitHub Super-Linter

Generate a random famous athlete for trivia!


Use the command-line tool. No external python packages are required (only the standard library is used) so the tool is ready to go right out of the box. The only requirement is Python 3.

$ python
# LeBron James is 6'9" and 35 years old.

# Run again
$ python
# Tiger Woods is 6'1" and 44 years old.

# Run with the -s or --search flag to search by name (case-insensitive)
$ python --search patrick
# Patrick Mahomes is 6'3" and 25 years old.

# Run with the -q or --quiet flag to print only the name
$ python --quiet
# Rodger Federer

# Run with the -v or --verbose flag to print additional metadata (e.g. total athletes, errors)
$ python --verbose
# Successfully loaded 30 athletes.
# Chloe Kim is 5'3" and 20 years old.


Add your favorite athlete! See issues for instructions.

Linter must pass successfully before code can be merged in. The linter is run as a GitHub action. It can also be run locally using pre-commit:

brew install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Now pre-commit will check your code on every commit.