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Releases: joakimwinum/bytecorefast


23 Jun 09:58
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  • Updated ByteCore Dependency: Upgraded the bytecore package from version 1.1.1 to 1.1.2.
  • Encapsulation of Emulator Functions: Improved code organization by encapsulating emulator functions within a struct, enhancing modularity and readability.
  • Implementation of Function Status: Introduced a status return type for key emulator functions, improving error handling and function result tracking.
  • Signal Check Function: Added a signal check function to the cycle_until_halt method, allowing for external signal interruption during emulation cycles.
  • Workflow Enhancements: Opted to use PyPI's trusted publishing implementation with OpenID Connect (OIDC).
  • Timezone Configuration: Set a valid timezone in the dependabot configuration to Europe/Oslo for accurate scheduling.


09 Jun 15:58
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  • Source Distribution Fixes: Included missing .h files in the source distribution, ensuring the package can be compiled from PyPI.
  • Cross-Platform Support: Added wheels for Linux, macOS, and Windows, extending compatibility across major operating systems.
  • Performance Benchmarks: Implemented detailed benchmarks and CPU performance calculations for ByteCore and ByteCoreFast.
  • Optimizations: Enhanced memory index calculation, addition operations, applied -O3 optimization flag, and utilized inline for better performance.
  • Windows Compatibility: Adjusted fast_emulator.c to resolve a compilation issue on Windows.
  • Workflow Enhancements: Integrated multiple CI jobs into a single pipeline for building, testing, and publishing the Python package.