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Using IDAClang.exe for Linux

This project is meant to make life easier when reversing linux kernel/modules/cpp binaries without debug information.


  1. Windows WSL installed.
  2. Download the from IDA website., unzip and cd to it.
  3. You should also have idaclang.exe, libclang.dll, ida.hlp from IDA Pro, and tilib64.exe from IDA SDK. They are NOT provided in this repo and figure it out for yourself.

The folder should be like:

├── ida.hlp
├── idaclang.exe
├── idaclang.mak
├── libclang.dll
├── linux
│   ├── linux.h
│   ├── linux_kernel_4_9.mak
│   ├── linux_kernel_5_11.mak
│   ├── linux_kernel_5_4.mak
│   ├── linux_kernel_5_4.til
│   ├── linux_kernel_5_4.til.txt
│   └── lkm_example
├── linux-headers
│   ├── kernel-headers
│   ├── system-headers
│   ├── usr_include_headers
│   └── usr_lib_headers
├── stl
│   ├── Makefile
│   ├── libstl_cpp.log
│   ├── libstl_cpp.mak
│   ├── libstl_cpp.til
│   ├── libstl_cpp.til.txt
│   ├── stl_example.h
│   └──
├── tilib64.exe

Prepare the linux headers

The .exe in Windows cannot read WSL filesystem with /usr/src/xxx path, so we have to copy the system and kernel headers to Windows filesystem. For example:

mkdir linux-headers
cd linux-headers
cp -LR /usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.0-159-generic/ kernel-headers/
cp -LR /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/include system-headers/
cp -LR /usr/include libc_headers/ usr_include_headers/

Don't forget to use -L option in cp to handle the symbolic/soft links correctly.


Change the ldaclang.mak to call Windows binaries from WSL:

IDACLANG_ARGS += --idaclang-log-all
IDACLANG_ARGS += --idaclang-tilname $(TIL_NAME)
IDACLANG_ARGS += --idaclang-tildesc $(TIL_DESC)

CLANG_ARGV += -ferror-limit=200

all: $(TIL_NAME)
.PHONY: all $(TIL_NAME) clean
$(TIL_NAME): $(TIL_NAME).til

$(TIL_NAME).til: $(TIL_NAME).mak $(INPUT_FILE)
	/mnt/c/Users/hp/Desktop/se/kernel/examples/idaclang.exe $(IDACLANG_ARGS) $(CLANG_ARGV) $(INPUT_FILE) > $(TIL_NAME).log
	/mnt/c/Users/hp/Desktop/se/kernel/examples/tilib64.exe -ls $(TIL_NAME).til > $(TIL_NAME).til.txt

	rm -rf *.til *.txt *.log

Linux kernel and modules

Write a linux_kernel_5_4.mak to include all the required headers:

#include <linux/kconfig.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/acpi.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/efi.h>
#include <linux/bpf.h>
#include <linux/usb.h>
#include <linux/kmod.h>
#include <linux/device.h>
#include <linux/blkdev.h>

Then write the makefile as follows:

TIL_NAME = linux_kernel_5_4
TIL_DESC = "Linux kernel headers for 5.4.0-159-generic"
INPUT_FILE = linux.h
SYSTEM_HEADERS = C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\system-headers
KERNEL_HEADERS = C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\kernel-headers

CLANG_ARGV = -target x86_64-pc-linux-gnu                               \
             -nostdinc                                                 \
             -isystem "$(SYSTEM_HEADERS)"         \
             -I"$(KERNEL_HEADERS)\arch\x86\include"                      \
             -I"$(KERNEL_HEADERS)\arch\x86\include\generated"            \
             -I"$(KERNEL_HEADERS)\include"                               \
             -I"$(KERNEL_HEADERS)\arch\x86\include\uapi"                 \
             -I"$(KERNEL_HEADERS)\arch\x86\include\generated\uapi"       \
             -I"$(KERNEL_HEADERS)\include\uapi"                          \
             -I"$(KERNEL_HEADERS)\include\generated\uapi"                \
             -D__KERNEL__                                              \
             -O2                                                       \
             -mfentry                                                  \
             -DCC_USING_FENTRY                                         \

include ../idaclang.mak

Then just run the make command:

$ make -f linux_kernel_5_4.mak
/mnt/c/Users/hp/Desktop/se/kernel/examples/idaclang.exe --idaclang-log-all --idaclang-tilname linux_kernel_5_4 --idaclang-tildesc "Linux kernel headers for 5.4.0-159-generic" -target x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -nostdinc -isystem "C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\system-headers" -I"C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\kernel-headers\arch\x86\include" -I"C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\kernel-headers\arch\x86\include\generated" -I"C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\kernel-headers\include" -I"C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\kernel-headers\arch\x86\include\uapi" -I"C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\kernel-headers\arch\x86\include\generated\uapi" -I"C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\kernel-headers\include\uapi" -I"C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\kernel-headers\include\generated\uapi" -D__KERNEL__ -O2 -mfentry -DCC_USING_FENTRY -Wno-gnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end -ferror-limit=50 linux.h > linux_kernel_5_4.log
/mnt/c/Users/hp/Desktop/se/kernel/examples/tilib64.exe -ls linux_kernel_5_4.til > linux_kernel_5_4.til.txt

The generated type library is .til and you can check the structures it generated in .til.txt.


Similarly, write a header including possibel types first, for example:

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>

struct stl_example_t
  std::string str;
  std::vector<int> vec;
  std::map<std::string, int> map;
  std::set<char> set;

And the makefile:

TIL_NAME = libstl_cpp
TIL_DESC = "Linux stl"
INPUT_FILE = stl_example.h

SYSTEM_HEADERS = C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\system-headers
USR_INCLUDE_HEADERS = C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\usr_include_headers
CLANG_ARGV = -target x86_64-pc-linux-gnu                               \
            -x c++                                                 \
            -I"$(SYSTEM_HEADERS)" \
            -I"$(USR_INCLUDE_HEADERS)\include\linux" \
            -I"$(USR_INCLUDE_HEADERS)\include\c++\9" \
            -I"$(USR_INCLUDE_HEADERS)\include\x86_64-linux-gnu" \
            -I"$(USR_INCLUDE_HEADERS)\include\x86_64-linux-gnu\c++\9" \

include ../idaclang.mak

Note that you shoule modify the compiler version number (the "9"s in the above example) to your local version.


$ make -f libstl_cpp.mak all
/mnt/c/Users/hp/Desktop/se/kernel/examples/idaclang.exe --idaclang-log-all --idaclang-tilname libstl_cpp --idaclang-tildesc "Linux stl" -target x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -x c++ -I"C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\system-headers" -I"C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\esktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\usr_include_headers\include\linux" -I"C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\usr_include_headers\include\c++\9" -I"C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\usr_include_headers\include\x86_64-liI"C:\Usersnux-gnu" -I"C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\usr_include_headers\include\x86_64-linux-gnu\c++\9" -I"C:\Users\hp\Desktop\se\kernel\examples\linux-headers\usr_include_headers\include" -ferror-limit=200 stl_example.h > libstl_cpp.log
/mnt/c/Users/hp/Desktop/se/kernel/examples/tilib64.exe -ls libstl_cpp.til > libstl_cpp.til.txt

Use the type library

  1. Put the .til to your IDA_INSTALL_LOCATION\til\pc\
  2. In IDA, hit Shift+F11 to open the type library window and choose the generated lib.
  3. Now check the Local Types tab and you will see all the structures.
  4. There maybe some errors for the imported structures (IDK why but seems to be size-calculation error). Just just manually repair the empty structs with content from .til.txt, for example in my case:
struct mutex
  atomic_long_t owner;
  spinlock_t wait_lock;
  optimistic_spin_queue osq;
  list_head wait_list;

struct fown_struct
  rwlock_t lock;
  pid *pid;
  pid_type pid_type;
  kuid_t uid;
  kuid_t euid;
  int signum;

If you have any better solutions or problems, PR/issues please :).



Using IDAClang.exe for Linux






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