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Oriol Canadés


Table of Contents


  • ionosctl-cli
  • jq
  • kubectl
  • kubeseal

Infrastructure Setup (DataCenter, Kubernetes Cluster, Node-Pools)

1. Login into IONOS using the ionosctl-cli

NOTE: to get the token, you will need to access the IONOS Cloud Panel and create a new API token: Management > Token Management > Generate Token.

ionosctl login -t <token>

2. Create a DataCenter in IONOS

export IN2_DOME_DEV_DATACENTER_ID=$(ionosctl datacenter create --name in2-ssi-dev -o json | jq -r '.items[0].id')
watch ionosctl datacenter get -i $IN2_DOME_DEV_DATACENTER_ID

3. Create a Kubernetes cluster

export IN2_DOME_DEV_K8S_CLUSTER_ID=$(ionosctl k8s cluster create --name in2-ssi-dev-k8s -o json | jq -r '.items[0].id')
watch ionosctl k8s cluster get -i $IN2_DOME_DEV_K8S_CLUSTER_ID

4. Create a Node-Pool

export IN2_DOME_DEV_K8S_DEFAULT_NODE_POOL_ID=$(ionosctl k8s nodepool create --cluster-id $IN2_DOME_DEV_K8S_CLUSTER_ID --name default-pool --node-count 2 --ram 8192 --storage-size 10 --datacenter-id $IN2_DOME_DEV_DATACENTER_ID --cpu-family "INTEL_SKYLAKE"  -o json | jq -r '.items[0].id')
watch ionosctl k8s nodepool get --nodepool-id $IN2_DOME_K8S_DEFAULT_NODEPOOL_ID --cluster-id $IN2_DOME_DEV_K8S_CLUSTER_ID

5. Create a Node-Pool for Ingress

ionosctl k8s nodepool create --cluster-id $IN2_DOME_DEV_K8S_CLUSTER_ID \    --name ingress --node-count 1 --datacenter-id $IN2_DOME_DEV_DATACENTER_ID --cpu-family "INTEL_SKYLAKE" --labels nodepool=ingress

6. Get the kubeconfig file and set the KUBECONFIG variable

ionosctl k8s kubeconfig get --cluster-id $IN2_DOME_DEV_K8S_CLUSTER_ID > in2-dome-dev-k8s-config.json
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/in2-dome-dev-k8s-config.json

7. Validate the contexts that are reachable

kubectl config get-contexts

8. Access to the context

kubectl config use-context cluster-admin@in2-ssi-dev-k8s

GitOps Setup

1. Create ArgoCD namespace

kubectl create namespace argocd

2 Deploy ArgoCD with Extensions

kubectl apply -k ./extension/ -n argocd

3. Deploying Namespaces Application

kubectl apply -f applications_dev/namespaces.yaml -n argocd

4. Deploying Sealed-Secrets Application

NOTE: This environment is for dev purposes, we do not need to encrypt the secrets.

kubectl apply -f applications_dev/sealed-secrets.yaml -n argocd

5. Deploying Ingress Application

kubectl apply -f applications_dev/ingress.yaml -n argocd

NOTE: You can get all the applications deployed in the argocd namespace by running the following command:

kubectl get applications -n argocd


1. Install the ArgoCD CLI

brew install argocd

2. Access to the ArgoCD UI

kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443

NOTE: Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080 and login with the default credentials: admin/admin.

3. Get the ArgoCD password

argocd admin initial-password -n argocd


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