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Introducing Minimal Videos

Minimal videos

Objects and their parts can be visually recognized from purely spatial or purely temporal information but the mechanisms integrating space and time are poorly understood. Here we show that visual recognition of objects and actions can be achieved by efficiently combining spatial and motion cues in configurations where each source on its own is insufficient for recognition. This analysis is obtained by identifying minimal videos: these are short and tiny video clips in which objects, parts, and actions can be reliably recognized, but any reduction in either space or time makes them unrecognizable. Human recognition in minimal videos is invariably accompanied by full interpretation of the internal components of the video. State-of-the-art deep convolutional networks for dynamic recognition cannot replicate human behavior in these configurations. The gap between human and machine vision demonstrated here is due to critical mechanisms for full spatiotemporal interpretation that are lacking in current computational models. Dynamic figure is provided here.

The minimal videos data summary:

Minimal Video Type Minimal Video examples (Recognizable) Spatial sub-minimal (Not recognizable) Temporal sub-minimal (Not recognizable) Hard negative examples (Confusing DNNs)
Rowing 10, 10, 10 10, 10, 10 10, 10, 10 10, 10, 10
Biking 10, 10, 10 10, 10, 10 10, 10, 10
Playing Violin 10, 10, 10 10, 10, 10 10, 10, 10
Mopping 10, 10 10, 10 10, 10


The raw_data folder contains minimal video files arranged by sub-folders.

Each sub-folder (e.g., ‘Mopping1’) contains:

  • The folder minimal with a single minimal video file (e.g., v_MoppingFloor_g11_c03_inds_46_51_size_19x19_rate_2_O_TL.gif)
  • The original video clip from which the minimal video was taken (e.g., v_MoppingFloor_g11_c03.avi downloaded from the UCF101 dataset)
  • The folder sub_minimal with the spatial and temporal sub-minimal versions.
  • Spatial sub-minimal files are identified by the file name suffix. The suffix indicates the type of video frame reduction:
    • BL = Bottom Left crop (e.g., v_MoppingFloor_g11_c03_inds_46_51_size_16x16_rate_2_O_TL_BL.gif)
    • BR = Bottom Right crop (e.g., v_MoppingFloor_g11_c03_inds_46_51_size_16x16_rate_2_O_TL_BR.gif)
    • TL = Top Left crop (e.g., v_MoppingFloor_g11_c03_inds_46_51_size_16x16_rate_2_O_TL_TL.gif)
    • TR = Top Right crop (e.g., v_MoppingFloor_g11_c03_inds_46_51_size_16x16_rate_2_O_TL_TR.gif)
    • scl = reduce resolution by 20% (e.g., v_MoppingFloor_g11_c03_inds_46_51_size_16x16_rate_2_O_TL_scl.gif)
  • Temporal sub-minimal files are the two frames of the minimal video. They are identified by their frame index in the original video. (e.g., v_MoppingFloor_g11_c03_TL_frame46_size_19x19.png and v_MoppingFloor_g11_c03_TL_frame51_size_19x19.png to indicate the first and second frames respectively).

The file mturk.xlsx contains Mechanical Turk psychophysics data (recognition rate in percentage) for the minimal videos and their sub-minimal versions. It also contains additional details about each minimal video including frame size, frame rate, and frame index.


  • pytorch 1.1 or more
  • sklearn
  • scikit-image
  • tqdm
  • tensorboard
  • sacred
Random crop for non-class examples at minimal video style

To generate non-class video examples used for training minimal videos classifiers run, e.g.,

python -i path/to/your/video/dataset -o path/to/your/output/folder

where path/to/your/video/dataset/ is a folder containing real-world videos files (e.g., videos from UCF101), and path/to/your/output/folder is a folder in which the generated video examples are saved.

You can also run this script with additional parameters, e.g.,

python -i path/to/your/video/dataset -o path/to/your/output/folder -ns 10 -lm 400

where ns is the number of sets created to contain the negative examples (mutually excluded), and lm is the maximal number of generated negative examples.

To extract negative video examples for specific action category at UCF101 dataset, run e.g.,

python -i ucf_but_rowing -o data/minimal/negatives_video/nonrowing -ns 1 -lm 100000000 -fi 2

where data/minimal/negatives_video/nonrowing is the folder in which the negative video examples will be stored. You would also need to download the UCF101 dataset and update the ucf101 path at

Finally, the script for generating of negative examples includes two modes for cropping frame windows: a sliding window mode and a selective search mode. To use the selective search mode (default and recommended option) clone this repo:

git clone

and update the path to your local copy at

Training a video classifier

Run the mini option:

python with mini
Evaluating classification results

Eval on naive set:

python with weights=storage/logs/RowingOrNot/1/ResNet3D18/1/weights_RowingOrNot_ResNet3D18_best.pth

or on a small naive set:

python with weights=storage/logs/RowingOrNot/1/ResNet3D18/1/weights_RowingOrNot_ResNet3D18_best.pth subset=277

(notice additional flags such as plot)

Eval on a small hard negatives set:

python with weights=storage/logs/RowingOrNot/1/ResNet3D18/1/weights_RowingOrNot_ResNet3D18_best.pth hard

Eval on a set of spatial sub-minimal videos:

python with weights=storage/logs/RowingOrNot/1/ResNet3D18/9/weights_RowingOrNot_ResNet3D18_best.pth submirc


If you are using this repo please cite the following paper:

Other relevant papers:

Full interpretation of minimal images (code and data)

Related work on full interpretation of minimal recognizable images is in this github repo.


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