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GitHub for Developers!!!

  • Class Date: 27 July, 2021
  • Facilitator: @gusshawstewart

Talk to Us!!

If you have a question, or need assistance during class, please create an issue and mention @gusshawstewart.

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Scripts for Adding Files

  • Bash: for d in {1..6}; do touch file$; git add file$; git commit -m "adding file $d"; done
  • PowerShell: for ($d=1; $d -le 6; $d++) { Out-File file$; git add file$; git commit -m "adding file$"; }

Class Resources

👇🔗 Click the dropdown menu below for the class URLs 🔗 👇

More helpful links including videos, cheat sheets, and visualization tools


Review materials & visualization

GitHub Documentation and Help

Git and IDEs Webcasts

What's Next?

After you have completed this course, you are probably wondering where to go from here: