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🍔 Svelte Hamburgers

Works with Svelte 3 & 4!

The ease to use Hamburger menu component for Svelte! Fully customisable with an extensive set of options, powered by a modified version of hamburgers.css.

Example of how to use svelte-hamburgers, view the repl here


We will save it as a dev dependancy with -D

npm i svelte-hamburgers -D

How to use?

    import { Hamburger } from 'svelte-hamburgers';

    let open;

<Hamburger bind:open />

The open variable can be then used to handle your menu, for example:

{#if open}
    <!-- show menu -->


If you are migrating from 3.x.x to 4.x.x heres what you need to know:

  • CSS is now included! This means no more importing the css you need, you can remove the cdn tags you had before

  • The Hamburger component is a named import:

        // Old way
        import Hamburger from 'svelte-hamburgers';
        // New way
        import { Hamburger } from 'svelte-hamburgers';


You can use these to customise the hamburger, just provide them as props to the burger component, for example <Hamburger --color="white" />

Property Type Default Description
type string spin The type of burger you want, you can see the types here, it should be lowercase.
ariaLabel string Hamburger menu The aria label of the burger.
--color string black The color of the burger.
--active-color string value of --color The color of the burger when active.
--padding string 15px The padding.
--layer-width string 30px The width of the burger.
--layer-height string 2px The height of the burger.
--layer-spacing string 6px The spacing between layers of the burger.
--border-radius string 4px The border radius of each burger part.
--hover-opacity number 0.7 The opacity amount on hover.
--hover-opacity-active number value of --hover-opacity The opacity amount of hover when active.
