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Fledge South MQTT Subscriber Plugin, Default MQTT version is v3.1.1; Use either MQTTv31 or MQTTv311.

The MQTT broker service should be running.

The example given here are tested using mosquitto

$ sudo apt install -y mosquitto
$ sudo systemctl enable mosquitto.service

Install paho-mqtt pip package.

python3 -m pip install -r python/requirements-mqtt.txt

Run publisher script,

$ python3 -m mqtt-pub
Published: {"humidity": 64.54, "temp": 27.02} on MQTT Topic: Room1/conditions
Published: {"humidity": 69.43, "temp": 24.95} on MQTT Topic: Room1/conditions


$ mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "Room1/conditions" -m '{"humidity": 93.29, "temp": 16.82}'

The Fledge plugin once configured to subscribe the topic Room1/conditions will start ingesting the published messages payload.