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Releases: espanso/espanso


17 Dec 13:23
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Fix bug that prevented Windows version from starting on Windows


17 Dec 10:37
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v2.2.0 Pre-release

Hi folks!

After more than a year from the last release, today we are releasing Espanso 2.2.0, with many long-awaited fixes πŸš€

This release is special, as it marks a new beginning for the project. For the first time, the majority of the fixes are community-driven!

Many thanks to all the people who made this possible, including @AucaCoyan, @smeech, @morgan-dgk, @rcalixte and many more!


  • fix(core): update package dependencies for Debian 12+ and Ubuntu 22.10 by @rcalixte (fix #1674 , #1662 )
  • fix(detect): update sctk dependency to fix crash (#1769) by @morgan-dgk (fix #1750 and #1768 )
  • Add label to espanso cli on match (#1720 ) by @kud
  • Various documentation improvements

For all changes, see: #1789


01 Nov 10:23
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v2.1.8 is out! πŸŽ‰

This small release solves a couple of problems with macOS Ventura and Wayland

  • Solved a bug that caused the SearchBar to not work correctly on macOS Ventura #1413
  • Solved a memory issue that caused the SearchBar to crash in some cases
  • Solved a compatibility issue that caused "Unexpected exit code from worker 90" on Wayland #1057 (special thanks to @lakoliu and Ricky Kresslein for the fix πŸš€)

Happy expanding πŸš€


11 Sep 08:57
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v2.1.7-beta is out! πŸŽ‰

This release is mostly focused on improving Espanso's security and compatibility.

Code-signed binaries

Starting from this release, Espanso will be digitally signed on both macOS and Windows. This change further improves Espanso's security, adding an extra layer of protection from tampering and corruption of binaries.

Digital signatures will also improve the installation process, as they should limit the number of warnings from operating systems.

This much-needed addition should also help Espanso's adoption in business environments, where digital signatures are often required to run software.

Other changes/fixes

  • Remove OpenSSL dependency on Linux, improving compatibility on Debian/Ubuntu. Fixes 1056

Any feedback or bug report is very helpful, so don't hesitate to let us know if you encounter any problems! :)

Happy expanding πŸš€


03 Jul 20:05
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v2.1.6-beta is out! πŸŽ‰

This release comes with a couple of new features and several of bug fixes.

New feature: Alternative X11 backend (based on xdotool)

On Linux (X11), you can now enable an alternative injection backend based on the awesome libxdo library, the same one powering xdotool.
This might solve (or at least mitigate) some problems with certain locales, so if you're having problems on X11, you can now try this new mode by adding the following to your default.yml file:

x11_use_xdotool_backend: true

New feature: Alt-codes emulation

If you're a Windows user, chances are that you've used the ALT+Numpad codes combination in the past to insert some special characters.
Unfortunately, the mechanism used internally by Espanso is incompatible with this feature, so in this release we added an emulation mode for it, which should produce identical results.

To enable it, just add the following to your default.yml file:

emulate_alt_codes: true

As a side effect, this brings the Alt-code functionality to macOS and Linux as well! (though it's still experimental)

Other changes/fixes

  • Improve espanso stop to handle non-graceful terminations. #1281
  • Add multiple locations to fix migrate command on Linux #1051

Any feedback or bug report will be very helpful, so don't hesitate to let us know if you encounter any problems! :)

Happy expanding πŸš€


30 Mar 18:50
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I'm releasing version v2.1.5-beta to fix a problem we had with the AppImage on Linux for the previous version, no other changes. See: #1047 (comment)

Full Changelog: v2.1.4-beta...v2.1.5-beta


19 Mar 11:52
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The first v2 beta release is finally ready! πŸŽ‰

With this release, the v2 will officially become the stable version, while version 0.7.3 (legacy version) will be deprecated. This decision comes after months of testing, and we're confident the v2 is ready for general adoption!

This release also comes with a new juicy feature, as well as several bug fixes.

New feature: Localized dates

After years, Espanso finally supports localized dates!

For example, you can now define a match as:

  - trigger: ":tomorrow"
    replace: "{{mytime}}"
      - name: mytime
        type: date
          format: "%A"
          offset: 86400

And see it expand to tomorrow weekday in your locale. In my case, the output is domenica (the Italian word for Sunday).

You can also force a specific locale, such as:

  - trigger: ":tomorrow"
    replace: "{{mytime}}"
      - name: mytime
        type: date
          format: "%A"
          locale: "es-ES"
          offset: 86400

Which is expanded to domingo (Spanish word for Sunday).

Here you can find the list of valid formats.

I'm going to write the full documentation in the upcoming days.

Other changes/fixes

  • Override PATH env variable on macOS to fix some edge cases. #966
  • Fix memory issue on macOS that sometimes caused Espanso to crash
  • Fix search bar not focusing correctly on some Linux DE #829
  • Add missing wl-clipboard dependency #956
  • Others #944, #961

Any feedback or bug report will be very helpful, so don't hesitate to let us know if you encounter any problems! :)

Happy expanding πŸš€


17 Jan 19:49
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v2.1.3-alpha Pre-release


This alpha release ships with several bug fixes:

Breaking change: search_trigger now disabled by default

Prior to version 2.1.3, Espanso was configured to use "jkj" as search_trigger by default.
That was a source of confusion for many users, so Espanso now ships with the search_trigger disabled by default.

If you want to keep using it, you can explicitly specify it in your configuration, as described here:

New install methods

In this version, we re-introduced two additional installation methods:

Other changes/fixes

  • clarify 'espanso service' usage. Fix #920
  • wire up inject_delay on macOS. Fix #849
  • fix SecureInput troubleshoot link. Fix #892
  • disable 'search_trigger' by default. Fix #925
  • implement additional search items. #789
  • add search terms option. #789 #796
  • remove paste_shortcut and backend override from Thunderbird patch. Fix #455

If anyone wants to give it a try (and enjoy the Searchbar and Regex trigger goodies 😎), here are the main takeaways:

  • New documentation can be found here:
  • Passive mode is currently not supported, though regex triggers might cover (and improve!) many of the possible use-cases
  • We are still porting some of the old installation methods

Keep in mind that this is an alpha release, so things are likely to be buggy. Any feedback or bug report will be very helpful, so don't hesitate to let us know if you encounter any problems! :)

Happy expanding πŸš€

Automatically released by CI


27 Dec 18:56
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v2.1.2-alpha Pre-release


This alpha release ships with several new features and bug fixes:

Breaking change: toggle_key now disabled by default

Prior to version 2.1.2, Espanso was configured to use the ALT key as toggle_key by default.
That was a major source of confusion, as many users accidentally pressed it during normal use (sorry, bad design decision from my side... )
For this reason, Espanso now ships with the toggle_key disabled by default.

If you want to keep using it, you can explicitly specify it in your configuration, as described here:

New Choice Extension

The Choice extension can be used to open a selection dialog, letting you choose the right value from a list.


More information on the docs:

Other changes/fixes

  • Add patch for Brave browser. #885
  • Stop Espanso when removing snap. #464
  • Switch default Wayland paste shortcut to SHIFT+INSERT #899
  • Fix return key not working inside Form's listboxes #857
  • Potentially mitigate AppImage bug on some distros #900

If anyone wants to give it a try (and enjoy the Searchbar and Regex trigger goodies 😎), here are the main takeaways:

  • New documentation can be found here:
  • Passive mode is currently not supported, though regex triggers might cover (and improve!) many of the possible use-cases
  • The distribution format has changed for some platforms, please see the instructions for macOS, Windows and Linux. On macOS, Espanso is now a regular App bundle, which should make it much easier to deal with. On Linux, we still have a lot of work to do. For now, we have an AppImage available for X11 systems, with more formats and integrations (AUR, etc) to come. Wayland users will need to compile Espanso from sources right now.

Keep in mind that this is an alpha release, so things are likely to be buggy. Any feedback or bug report will be very helpful, so don't hesitate to let us know if you encounter any problems! :)

Happy expanding πŸš€

Automatically released by CI


27 Nov 10:07
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v2.1.1-alpha Pre-release


This alpha release ships with several new features and bug fixes:

New detect tool

You can now type #detect# inside an application to show the information Espanso is detecting, which is useful to create App-specific configurations.
This command can also be triggered by the Searchbar and will replace the previous espanso detect subcommand available in pre-v2 releases.

Active application detection

New log tool

You can now open Espanso's log from the search bar, by selecting the "Show Espanso's Logs" option.
Windows and macOS users can also show them from the status icon's context menu.

Gradual rollout of packages

We ported most of the old packages to the new format inside the Hub, so you can install them with:

espanso install <package_name>

That said, there are still many things left to do, including rewriting the package documentation and porting the new packages to the hub.
Hopefully, we'll be able to do so in the upcoming releases :)

Other changes/fixes

  • Improved Deadkeys handling on X11. #881
  • Added alternative xclip backend for X11. #882

If anyone wants to give it a try (and enjoy the Searchbar and Regex trigger goodies 😎), here are the main takeaways:

  • Documentation is still lacking, I just had the chance to write a migration guide. That should be enough to get started with the new version, but there is a lot more to cover. Feel free to ask here on GitHub or Reddit if you don't understand something :)
  • Passive mode is currently not supported, though regex triggers might cover (and improve!) many of the possible use-cases
  • The distribution format has changed for some platforms, please see the instructions for macOS, Windows and Linux. On macOS, Espanso is now a regular App bundle, which should make it much easier to deal with. On Linux, we still have a lot of work to do. For now, we have an AppImage available for X11 systems, with more formats and integrations (AUR, snap, etc) to come. Wayland users will need to compile Espanso from sources right now, I'm going to write a comment in the wayland thread with some instructions soon

Keep in mind that this is an alpha release, so things are likely to be buggy. Any feedback or bug report will be very helpful, so don't hesitate to let us know if you encounter any problems! :)

Happy expanding πŸš€

Automatically released by CI