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Well-tested utility functions dealing with async iterables


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This library provides a well-tested collection of small utility functions dealing with async iterables. You can think of it as .NET LINQ or Python aitertools for Deno & Node.js.


For the complete list of functions, see the complete API reference.

  • concat(...sources): Concatenate multiple async iterables into one.
  • take(source, count): Take the first count items from the source.
  • drop(source, count): Drop the first count items from the source.
  • takeWhile(source, predicate): Take items from the source while the predicate returns true.
  • dropWhile(source, predicate): Drop items from the source while the predicate returns true.
  • takeEnd(source, count): Take the last count items from the source.
  • dropEnd(source, count): Drop the last count items from the source.
  • map(mapper, ...sources): Apply the mapper to each item in the sources.
  • filter(predicate, ...sources): Filter items in the sources by the predicate.
  • reduce(reducer, source, initial?): Reduce the source to a single value by the reducer, optionally with the initial value.
  • tee(source, number): Effectively duplicate the source into number of async iterables.
  • groupBy(source, keySelector): Group items in the source by the keySelector.
  • unique(source, keySelector?): Eliminate duplicate items in the source, optionally by the keySelector.
  • range(start?, stop, step?): Generate a sequence of numbers from start to stop by step.
  • count(start?, step?): Generate a sequence of numbers from start by step infinitely.
  • cycle(source): Cycle the source infinitely.
  • repeat(value, times?): Repeat the value for times times, or infinitely if times is not specified.
  • fromIterable(source): Convert an iterable to an async iterable.
  • toArray(source): Convert an async iterable to an array.
  • toSet(source): Convert an async iterable to a Set.
  • toMap(source, keySelector, valueSelector?): Convert an async iterable to a Map.
  • assertStreams(actual, expected, msg?): Asset that an async iterable actual is equal to an array expected.
  • assertStreamStartsWith(actual, expected, msg?): Asset that an async iterable actual (which is possibly infinite) starts with an array expected.


In Deno:

$ deno add @hongminhee/aitertools
import * as aitertools from "@hongminhee/aitertools";

In Node.js:

$ npm add aitertools
import * as aitertools from "aitertools";


See file. Note that unreleased versions are also available on JSR for Deno:

deno add @hongminhee/aitertools@0.6.0-dev.36+9aa783c

… and on npm with dev tag for Node.js:

$ npm add aitertools@dev