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Instant Summons - Owlbear Rodeo Extension

Instantly summon (upload) DnD 5e monster tokens onto your battlemap


Pick a monster from the dropdown list, then double click on a square to add it to the scene

Useful for randomly rolled encounters, players polymorphing, or other cases where you want quick monster tokens without crowding your token storage



The extension can be installed by pasting the manifest link to the Add Custom Extension option in Owlbear

Note: you have to enable the extension in any rooms you've already created


Running Locally

Install all dependencies:

npm install

Run locally:

npm run dev

You can then use this local version in Owlbear by adding a custom extenion using its manifest (http://localhost:5173/manifest.json)

Build for production:

npm run build

Run linter:

npx eslint --fix .


  • The feature is only available for GMs (by choice, since the list of monsters might be a spoiler for players)
  • I use Cloudflare Web Analytics for privacy-first web analytics