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Brent Thorne edited this page Jun 18, 2019 · 2 revisions
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Welcome to the posterdown wiki!

The concept of posterdown is to just generate reproducible content (ie conference posters) and let this package take care of the formatting 🎉. With that said you can go deep into customization if you so choose. To help guide those who whish to add a personal touch please read through the extensive options in this wiki! For any options that do not exist please feel free to request changes or report issues here.

Please see the wiki pages for each individual poster template as there can be minor differences (albeit I am working on minimizing them) and design accordingly!

If you are new to R or rmarkdown in general there are plans to make a "Starters Guide" in this wiki, but in the mean time you can get the gist of it on my youtube channel here.

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