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N/A: duplicate
N/A: duplicate
Similar issues already exist or completed
N/A: nothing to do here
N/A: nothing to do here
Nothing to do here
N/A: wontfix
N/A: wontfix
Probably valid, but no plan to address in a foreseeable future
social: help wanted
social: help wanted
I would love to hear ideas to solve this
social: question
social: question
Ask any questions
status: cran
status: cran
Work is accepted by CRAN
status: develop
status: develop
Work is pushed to develop branch
status: master
status: master
Work is pushed to master branch
type: bug
type: bug
Existing features not working as expected
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
Improvement on an existing feature
type: new feature
type: new feature
Brand new, non-existent features