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Line[Tasker]: A pretty and simple project-scope TODO list in command line.


You have to install a Nerd Font in order to display correctly some symbols

I - Create a new task

$ linetasker new "Finish writing unit tests"

I.2 - Priority and tags

$ linetasker new "Finish writing unit tests" -p 5 --tags urgent --tags production --tags CI

-p / --priority: priority of the task 1 -> 5 [1 by default]

-t/ --tags: add tags to the task

II - List tasks

$ linetasker list

Alt text

II.2 - Filtering

$ linetasker list -n 9 -t production

-n: number of the tasks to display from the top -t: filter by tags Alt text

III - Mark as done

$ linetasker done <ID>

ID: integer

IV - Delete task(s)

IV.1 Delete one task

$ linetasker del <ID>

IV.2 - Delete all done tasks

$ linetasker clean

IV.3 - Clear all tasks

$ linetasker reset -y

-y: flag for bypassing confirmation prompt