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Automated Testing

This repository contains automated tests for a web application using Selenium WebDriver with Java. The tests are designed to perform basic checks on the login functionality and shopping cart operations of the application.

Test Scenarios

Task 1: Login Page Check and Navigation

This project Selenium Practice 1 assumes testing on the SauceDemo website. Adjust test scenarios and assertions as per your testing requirements.

  1. Login Page Check using ID Locator:

    • Locate and verify elements on the login page using ID locators.
  2. Verify Website Title:

    • Print the current title of the website using an ID locator.
    • Assert that the actual title matches the expected title.
  3. Verify Current URL:

    • Check the current URL of the page after login.
    • Assert that the current URL matches the expected URL.

Task 2: Shopping Cart Operations

This project Selenium Practice 2 assumes testing on the SauceDemo website. Adjust test scenarios and assertions as per your testing requirements.

  1. Navigate to T-Shirt Product Page:

    • Click on the orange "T-shirt link" using a absolute path.
  2. Add Item to Cart:

    • Click on the "Add to Cart" button to add the item to the shopping cart using a relative path.
  3. View Shopping Cart:

    • Click on the shopping cart badge to view the items in the cart using an absolute path.
  4. Continue Shopping:

    • Click on the "Continue shopping" button to return to the previous page using an relative path.

Task 3: Form Submission Verification

Test Scenario: Form Submission Checks

This folder SeleniumPracticeThree contains automated tests for a web application using Selenium WebDriver with Java. The tests are designed to perform various form submission checks on the application hosted at Try Testing This Website.

  1. Fill First Name and Last Name:

    • Locate and fill the First Name and Last Name fields using ID locators.
  2. Check Radio Button Selection:

    • Verify and assert that the radio button is selected correctly using isSelected() method.
  3. Verify Drop Down Selection:

    • Locate the Drop Down element using name locator.
    • Verify the selected option from the Drop Down using isSelected() method and assert.
  4. Check Multiple Options:

    • Select multiple options from a list and verify the selections using isSelected() method.
  5. Submit the Form:

    • Click on the Submit button using an absolute path.
  6. Confirmation Message:

    • Print a confirmation message if the form submission is successful.

Tools Used

  • Selenium WebDriver: Automation tool for web browsers.
  • Java: Programming language used for scripting.
  • TestNG or JUnit: Frameworks for organizing test cases.
  • Assertions: Used to validate expected outcomes.

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the Repository:

  2. Install Dependencies:

  • Ensure you have Java Development Kit (JDK) installed.
  • Use Maven or Gradle for managing dependencies.
  1. Configure WebDriver:
  • Download the appropriate WebDriver executable (ChromeDriver, GeckoDriver, etc.) and place it in the /drivers directory.
  1. Run Tests:
  • Use Maven or Gradle to run the tests, or directly execute the test classes using your IDE.
  1. Review Test Results:
  • After running the tests, review the console output for test results and any assertions that failed.


  • Update the expected titles and URLs in the test scripts ( and according to your application's actual titles and URLs.
  • Ensure all paths (relative and absolute) in the test scripts are correct and match your application's structure.
  • Use appropriate annotations and assertions provided by TestNG or JUnit to structure your test cases effectively.


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