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Improve on a existing webpage assigned to you.

Mine was SuperSoep (original website)

Usage of a template was encouraged but I gave my own spin to it, check it out!


Want some Soup?


** Her is the first time I have used iframes.**



This template has been downloaded from

First of all I would like to credit AJ, the maker of this template. It is thanks to his hard work that I could whip out a decent looking webpage in just a few hours. All credit for the layout and more belongs to them.

As you can see and read this is an extremely easy template to use and adapt.

All the pictures used belong to Super Soep. They are merely used as an illustration.


All you have to do is download the directory and open it via your IDE and just start to adjust and adapt to your own desire.


If you look closely to my Github repo you'll see the original license, provided by the creator themselves. Check it out if you need to.


9th of May 2019

This template has been adapted to my own requirement. I have added my own images and changed the colors, icons and repurposed some of the sections. I have also changed the color of the form beacuse it was lacking visibility and needed a little enhancement. Just like the font. The colorscheme was inoffensive but made it lightly unreadble, especially when used on a device with a smaller screen.


It is basically a one pager that consists of multiple image boxes hence making it faily easy to use and to implement as long as you keep in mind to make sure you use the correct path.

Most of the layout is divided in sections that are easy to manage and to rename according to your preference.

The Sass directory contains all the scss-files, referring to the sections, icons etc... So if you are not sure where something is, just checkout you html code and look up the reference.

All the colors can be found in the libs/_vars map/file for a good overview, just make sure you double check the var names and you'll be able to change the colorscheme of the entire page. You can look up the variable by checking out the typography.scss.

Pay attention to the form, it might me to light to be visible so make changes accordingly.

  • BUGS

When implementing my own gallery I had some problems with the path to my images. For some reason creating a path to the directories images/fulls was not working and I had to use a roundabout way to make sure my images were being displayed. I just moved the images used in the gallery and put them in the main directory, that way no filepath was required.

  • SASS

Knowledge of SASS is expected.


Big Picture by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (