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The Chest Cancer Classification project diagnoses chest cancer from medical images using deep learning. It integrates MLflow for experiment tracking, DVC for version control, and Flask for backend processing. Docker and a CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions and AWS.


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Cancer Classification Using MLflow and DVC

The Chest Cancer Classification project is a comprehensive machine-learning application designed to diagnose different types of chest cancer from medical images. Utilizing state-of-the-art deep learning techniques and a well-structured data pipeline, this project aims to provide accurate and reliable cancer classifications, which are crucial for timely and effective treatment.

MLflow is integrated for tracking experiments and managing model lifecycle, while DVC (Data Version Control) is used to version control data and machine learning models, ensuring reproducibility and collaboration. The backend is implemented using Flask, a lightweight web framework, to handle image uploads, preprocessing, and interfacing with the prediction pipeline. The application is containerized using Docker, allowing for consistent deployment across different environments. The deployment process is automated using a CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions and AWS, ensuring seamless and reliable updates to the application.

Key Components

  • Data Ingestion

    • Description: This stage involves downloading and preparing the raw dataset for further processing. The dataset is fetched from a specified URL, stored locally, and extracted for use in subsequent stages.
    • Tools: DVC, YAML for configuration.
  • Data Preprocessing

    • Description: The raw data undergoes cleaning and transformation to ensure it is in a suitable format for model training. This includes resizing images, normalizing pixel values, and potentially augmenting the data to enhance the model's robustness.
    • Tools: TensorFlow, Python scripts.
  • Model Training

    • Description: A deep learning model (VGG16) is utilized for transfer learning. The pre-trained model’s convolutional layers are frozen, and custom fully connected layers are added to classify the specific types of chest cancer. The model is trained on the preprocessed dataset.
    • Tools: TensorFlow, Keras.
  • Model Evaluation

    • Description: The trained model is evaluated on a validation dataset to measure its performance. Metrics such as accuracy and loss are computed and logged.
    • Tools: TensorFlow, MLflow for experiment tracking.
  • Prediction Pipeline

    • Description: This pipeline handles the classification of new medical images. It loads the trained model, processes input images, and outputs predictions indicating the type of chest cancer.
    • Tools: TensorFlow, Numpy.
  • Frontend

    • Description: The frontend interface allows users to upload medical images and view the classification results. Users can interact with the application through a web interface where they can easily upload images, trigger the prediction process, and see the output.

    • Tools: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap.

  • Backend

    • Description: The backend is implemented using Flask, a lightweight web framework for Python. It handles the image upload, preprocessing, and interfacing with the prediction pipeline to return the classification results to the frontend.

    • Tools: Flask, Python.

  • Deployment

    • Description: The deployment process involves setting up a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions and AWS services. This ensures that the application is built, tested, and deployed automatically whenever changes are made to the codebase. The deployment pipeline handles the following steps:

      • Build Docker Image: The source code is packaged into a Docker image.
      • Push to ECR: The Docker image is pushed to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR).
      • Launch EC2 Instance: An Amazon EC2 instance is launched to host the application.
      • Pull Docker Image: The EC2 instance pulls the Docker image from ECR.
      • Run Docker Image: The Docker image is run on the EC2 instance, making the application accessible.
    • Tools: GitHub Actions, AWS (EC2, ECR), Docker.

Overview of the Workflow

  1. Setting up Initial Directory structure and file
  2. Requirements Installation
  3. Logging and Exception
  4. Creating frequently used functionalities in Utils
  5. Pipeline
    5.1. Data Ingestion
    5.2. Preparing the model
    5.3. Training the model
    5.4. Model Evaluation
    5.5. Adding Data Versioning Control (DVC) to track pipeline
  6. Prediction
  7. Flask Application for the Prediction Pipeline
  8. Dockerization and AWS CI/CD Deployment

Detailed Workflow

1. Setting up Initial Directory structure and file is designed to set up the initial directory structure and files for any project. It ensures that all necessary directories and files are created, making it easier to maintain a consistent project structure.

2. Requirements Installation

In this step, all the necessary dependencies required for the ChestCancerClassification project were installed in a virtual or new environment. This ensured that the project environment was properly set up with all the needed libraries and packages. The dependencies that were used for installation were listed in the requirements.txt file.

The -e . line in the requirements.txt file was a special entry that instructed pip to install the project itself as a Python package in editable mode. This meant that any changes made to the project code would immediately take effect without needing to reinstall the package. This was particularly useful during development, as it allowed for a more efficient workflow.

Note: The file is needed in each folder to turn the directory into a Python package.

The script is a crucial part of the packaging and distribution process for Python projects, ensuring that the package can be easily installed and used by others.

3. Logging and Exception


The custom logging function has been initialized in the src/ChestCancerClassification path. This function is designed to capture and record log messages, which are saved in the running_logs.log file. This logging mechanism is crucial for future debugging and monitoring of the application's behaviour.

Exception Handling with Python Box

The python-box library provides a convenient way to handle exceptions using the Box class. This class allows for nested dictionary-like objects that support dot notation and can be used to structure and access data more intuitively. When it comes to exception handling, python-box can help manage configuration data and other structured information in a way that enhances readability and maintainability.

4. Creating frequently used functionalities in Utils

  • read_yaml: The read_yaml function reads a YAML file from a specified path and returns its contents as a ConfigBox object. If the YAML file is empty, it raises a ValueError. This function is essential for loading configuration settings and parameters in a structured format, making them easily accessible throughout the project.

  • create_directories: The create_directories function creates multiple directories specified in a list. It uses the os.makedirs method to ensure that all directories are created, even if they already exist. When the verbose parameter is set to True, it logs the creation of each directory, providing feedback during the setup process.

  • save_json: The save_json function saves a dictionary as a JSON file at a given path. It uses Python’s built-in json module to serialize the dictionary and write it to the specified file, formatting the output for readability. This function is useful for storing configuration data, results, or any structured data in a standard format.

  • save_bin: The save_bin function saves data as a binary file using the joblib library. This function is designed to handle the serialization of large datasets or models, ensuring they can be efficiently stored and later retrieved without data loss. It logs the path where the binary file is saved for easy tracking.

  • load_bin: The load_bin function loads data from a binary file, also using the joblib library. This function is essential for deserializing large datasets or models that were previously saved, enabling them to be used in subsequent processing steps. It logs the loading process to confirm successful retrieval.

  • get_size: The get_size function returns the size of a file in kilobytes (KB). It uses the os.path.getsize method to get the file size in bytes and then converts it to kilobytes. This function provides a quick way to check the size of files, which can be useful for monitoring storage usage and managing resources.

  • decodeImage: The decodeImage function decodes a base64-encoded string and saves it as an image file. It converts the base64 string back into binary image data and writes it to a file specified by the fileName parameter. This function is useful for handling image data transmitted in base64 format, such as images received from web APIs.

  • encodeImageIntoBase64: The encodeImageIntoBase64 function encodes an image file into a base64 string. It reads the binary data of an image file and converts it into a base64-encoded string. This function is useful for preparing image data to be transmitted or stored in text-based formats, such as embedding images in JSON or HTML documents.


  • The ensure_annotations decorator from the ensure library is used to enforce type annotations in Python functions. It ensures that the arguments passed to a function match the specified type annotations, and it can also validate the return type of the function. This helps in catching type-related errors early, making the code more robust and easier to understand.

  • The ConfigBox class from the python-box library extends the standard dictionary to provide additional features, such as dot notation access. This makes it easier to work with nested dictionary structures, as you can access elements using attribute-style access instead of key-based access.

5. Pipeline

For each stage in the pipeline, you:

  • Add the necessary paths to config\congfig.yaml.
  • Update param.yaml for "Stage 2-Preparing the base model".
  • Create an entity in src\ChestCancerClassfication\entity
  • Update the configmanager in src\ChestCancerClassfication\config
  • Update component in src\ChestCancerClassfication\components
  • Update pipeline in src\ChestCancerClassfication\pipeline
  • Update
  • Update teh DVC.yaml

5.1. Data Ingestion:

This stage involves downloading the dataset from a specified URL, storing it locally, and extracting the contents for further use in the project.

Using a YAML configuration makes the process easily configurable and maintainable, allowing for flexibility in specifying different datasets or storage locations. In this approach, configuration details are neatly separated from the code, resulting in cleaner and more adaptable code. This method offers significant benefits in terms of maintainability, scalability, and collaboration.

This YAML code is wirtten in config\config.yaml. The data is downloaded and extracted and stored in the artifacts folder.

Note: The testing is all done in the research folder. Also, make sure the data is added to .gitignore.

5.2. Prepare Base Model:

In this stage, the VGG16 model is downloaded and prepared for transfer learning. The pre-trained model is obtained, and its convolutional layers are left unchanged (essentially frozen). The fully connected layers are replaced with custom layers to accommodate the specific classes to be predicted. This updated model is stored before being trained.

Note: Details of each model can be found in Keras Documentation.

5.3. Training the model:

This Training class encapsulates the entire training process, including loading the pre-trained model, setting up data generators with optional augmentation, training the model, and saving the trained model. The class is designed to be flexible and configurable, allowing for easy adjustments through the TrainingConfig object.

  • Initialization: Sets up the Training object with necessary configurations.

    • Action: Receives a TrainingConfig instance containing all parameters required for training.
  • Get Base Model (get_base_model): Loads a pre-trained model for transfer learning.

    • Action: Loads the model specified in config.updated_base_model_path into self.model.
  • Train and Validation Generator (train_valid_generator): Sets up data generators for training and validation.

    • Actions:
      • Data Augmentation: Applies data augmentation if config.params_is_augmented is True.
      • Data Scaling: Rescales image pixel values to [0, 1].
      • Training Data Generator: Loads and augments training data from config.training_data.
      • Validation Data Generator: Loads validation data from config.valid_data without augmentation.
  • Save Model (save_model): Saves the trained model to a specified location.

    • Action: Saves the Keras model to the path provided.
  • Training Process (train): Trains the neural network using the data generators.

    • Actions:
      • Steps Calculation: Computes steps per epoch for training and validation.
      • Model Training: Trains the model for a set number of epochs and validation steps.
      • Model Saving: Saves the trained model to config.trained_model_path.

Note: The model could be large. Make sure you use Git Large File Storage to push the model.

5.4. Model Evaluation:

The Evaluation class is designed to handle the evaluation process of a trained TensorFlow model for the ChestCancerClassification project. This class includes methods to set up a validation data generator, load a trained model, evaluate the model, save the evaluation scores, and log the evaluation results into MLflow.

  • Connecting with Dagshub:
    DagsHub is a platform for AI and ML developers that lets you manage and collaborate on your data, models, and experiments, alongside your code. Dagshub is integrated with MLflow to keep track of experimentation process, log parameters and metrics.

    Note: The following credentials need to be exported as env variables by running in the terminal:

  • Initialization: The Evaluation class is initialized with an EvaluationConfig object containing configuration details such as paths, image size, batch size, and MLflow URI.

  • Validation Data Setup: The _valid_generator method prepares the validation data generator with specified preprocessing steps and data flow parameters.

  • Model Loading: The load_model method loads a pre-trained TensorFlow model from the specified path.

  • Evaluation: The evaluation method evaluates the loaded model using the validation data generator, calculates the loss and accuracy, and saves these scores to a JSON file.

  • MLflow Logging: The log_into_mlfow method logs the evaluation parameters and metrics into MLflow, and if applicable, registers the model.

Note: MLflow provides different functions for logging models from various libraries like Keras, Scikit-learn, and PyTorch. The specific method to log a model in MLflow depends on the machine learning library being used.

# For Keras
import mlflow.keras
mlflow.keras.log_model(model, "model", registered_model_name="MyKerasModel")

# For Scikit-learn
import mlflow.sklearn
mlflow.sklearn.log_model(model, "model", registered_model_name="MySklearnModel")

# For Pytorch
import mlflow.pytorch
mlflow.pytorch.log_model(model, "model", registered_model_name="MyPyTorchModel")

5.5. Adding Data Versioning Control (DVC) to track pipeline:

Data Version Control (DVC) is an open-source tool designed to manage machine learning projects efficiently. It offers version control for data and machine learning models, akin to how Git manages code. One of DVC's powerful features is its ability to create pipelines that define the sequence of stages in a machine learning workflow. These pipelines help ensure that each step in the workflow is reproducible and trackable.

Benefits of Using DVC Pipelines:
- Reproducibility: Ensures that every step of your machine learning process can be reproduced, from data preprocessing to model training. - Versioning: Tracks changes in data, code, and models, allowing for easy rollback and comparison. - Collaboration: Facilitates collaboration by keeping the workflow and its dependencies consistent across different environments and team members. - Automation: Automates the workflow, ensuring that any changes in the pipeline trigger the necessary stages to run.

In this project, DVC is used for pipeline tracking. This setup is done in dvc.yaml file.

How to run DVC:

# Initialize DVC
dvc init

# Run dvc repro
dvc repro

This will set up a .dvc, dvc.lock and .dvcignore in your root folder.

  • .dvc Directory: Manages DVC configurations and cached data to enable version control and efficient data tracking.
  • dvc.lock File: Ensures reproducibility by locking the exact versions of data and code dependencies for each pipeline stage.
  • .dvcignore File: Excludes specified files and directories from DVC tracking, similar to .gitignore in Git.

6. Prediction

The PredictionPipeline class is designed to handle the prediction stage of the ChestCancerClassification project. This stage involves loading a trained neural network model, processing an input image, making predictions, and returning the prediction results.

  • Loading the Model:

    • The model is loaded from the artifacts/training directory using. TensorFlow’s load_model function. This model is the result of the training stage and is used to make predictions on new data.
  • Image Preprocessing:

    • The input image specified by self.filename is loaded and resized to the target size of (350, 360) pixels using image.load_img.
    • The image is then converted to a numpy array with image.img_to_array and expanded to include an additional dimension using np.expand_dims to match the input shape required by the model.
  • Making Predictions:

    • The preprocessed image is passed to the model’s prediction function, which returns the prediction probabilities for each class.
    • The class with the highest probability is determined using np.argmax.
  • Interpreting Results:

    • The predicted class index is mapped to the corresponding cancer type: 0 → Adenocarcinoma Cancer
      1 → Large Cell Carcinoma Cancer
      2 → Normal
      Other → Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cancer
    • The prediction is returned as a dictionary containing the predicted cancer type.

7. Flask Application for the Prediction Pipeline

This Flask application serves as a web interface for the ChestCancerClassification project. It provides endpoints for rendering the homepage, initiating the training process, and making predictions using a trained model. The application integrates CORS to allow cross-origin requests, enabling it to interact with other web services or clients.

  • Initialization:

    • The environment variables LANG and LC_ALL are set to ensure the application uses the English locale.
    • The Flask application is created, and CORS is enabled to allow cross-origin requests.
  • ClientApp Class:

    • The ClientApp class is instantiated, setting the filename for the input image and initializing the PredictionPipeline with this filename.
  • Home Route:

    • The home route renders the index.html page, providing a user interface for interacting with the application.
  • Training Route:

    • The training route can be triggered via a GET or POST request. It runs the training script ( to train the model and returns a success message once training is completed.
  • Prediction Route:

    • The prediction route accepts a POST request containing a base64-encoded image.
    • The image is decoded and saved using the decodeImage function.
    • The PredictionPipeline runs the prediction on the saved image, and the result is returned as a JSON response.

8. Dockerization and AWS CI/CD Deployment

The main.yaml file is set up to perform CI/CD using GitHub Actions with AWS. Here's a breakdown of the steps mentioned:

  • Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD):

    • CI/CD in GitHub Actions: The file defines a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions. GitHub Actions is used to automate the building, testing, and deployment of code.
  • Connecting with AWS:

    • The script connects with AWS, and these AWS credentials are configured to allow GitHub Actions to interact with AWS services.
  • Installing Necessary Libraries:

    • The script installs the necessary libraries required for building and deploying the application. This includes tools like the AWS CLI, Docker, or other dependencies.
  • Logging in to Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry):

    • ECR: Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is a managed Docker container registry that makes it easy to store, manage, and deploy Docker container images.
    • The script logs into ECR using AWS credentials to gain access to the container registry.
  • Building the Docker Image:

    -The script builds a Docker image for the application. This involves using a Dockerfile to package the application and its dependencies into a container image.

  • Pushing the Docker Image to ECR:

    • After building the Docker image, the script pushes the image to Amazon ECR. This makes the image available for deployment.
  • Continuous Deployment (CD):

    • Logging into AWS: In the deployment step, the workflow logs into AWS again to perform deployment actions.
    • Pulling the Docker Image from ECR: The workflow pulls the Docker image from Amazon ECR to ensure it has the latest version of the container.
    • Running the Docker Image on EC2: The workflow runs the Docker image on an EC2 instance. EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is a service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud, essentially virtual servers.


Brief on AWS-CICD-Deployment-with-GitHub-Actions Steps

This guide outlines the steps to set up a CI/CD pipeline for deploying a Dockerized application to AWS using GitHub Actions. The process involves building and pushing a Docker image from the source code, pushing it to Amazon ECR, launching an EC2 instance, pulling the Docker image from ECR, and running the Docker image on the EC2 instance.

Steps to set up AWS CI/CD deployment with GitHub Action:

  • Login to AWS console: Gain access to the AWS Management Console to perform necessary configurations and create resources.
  • Create IAM user for deployment: Create a dedicated IAM user with specific permissions for CI/CD operations.
    • EC2 Access: Allows managing EC2 instances, which are virtual machines.
    • ECR Access: Allows managing Amazon Elastic Container Registry, used to store Docker images.
  • Required IAM Policies:
    • AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess: Grants full access to ECR.
    • AmazonEC2FullAccess: Grants full access to EC2 resources.
  • Create ECR Repository: Create ECR Repository.
  • Create EC2 Machine (Ubuntu): Launch an EC2 instance to host and run the Dockerized application.
  • Install Docker on EC2 Machine:
    • Update and upgrade the EC2 instance:
    sudo apt-get update -y
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    • Install Docker:
    curl -fsSL -o
    sudo sh
    sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu
    newgrp docker
  • Configure EC2 as Self-Hosted Runner: Use the EC2 instance as a self-hosted runner for GitHub Actions.
    • Go to Settings > Actions > Runners in your GitHub repository.
    • Add a new self-hosted runner, choose the OS (Linux), and follow the provided commands to set it up on the EC2 instance.
  • Setup GitHub Secrets: Store sensitive information required for deployment as secrets in GitHub.
    • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Your AWS Access Key ID.
    • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Your AWS Secret Access Key.
    • AWS_REGION: Region where your resources are located, e.g., us-east-1.
    • AWS_ECR_LOGIN_URI: URI for logging into ECR, e.g., 5663734*****
    • ECR_REPOSITORY_NAME: Name of your ECR repository, e.g., simple-app.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


The Chest Cancer Classification project diagnoses chest cancer from medical images using deep learning. It integrates MLflow for experiment tracking, DVC for version control, and Flask for backend processing. Docker and a CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions and AWS.








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