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Privacy and Network Access

Taiko2k edited this page Feb 14, 2022 · 23 revisions

Standard use of the application should not produce any network activity unless required by user action, settings or functioning of specific features.

User data stored locally may be sent out as required such as in the following cases:

  • Opening the 'Artist info panel' UI panel sends the artist name of the currently playing track to,,* unless disabled.
  • Opening the 'Artist list panel' sends any/all artist names in current playlist to,,* unless disabled.
  • Enabling scrobbling and/or ListenBrainz sends metadata (track title, artist, album) of the currently playing track to respective websites.
  • Activating Quck-Fetch Cover Art sends track metadata (Track title, artist, MBID's) to MusicBrainz and
  • Selecting 'Search Lyrics' sends track metadata (Track title, artist) to any enabled source websites.
  • Activating Start Broadcast listens and accepts network connections to stream audio.
  • Activating metadata page starts a web server and listens and accepts network connections to serve metadata and image files in folder of the broadcasting track.
  • Activating Show Playing in Discord sends track metadata of playing tracks (Track title, artist and album) to the running Discord application.
  • Playing tracks imported from a network server (e.g. Airsonic, Koel, PLEX) sends configured authentication to the configured server when playing tracks or viewing cover art. Note that passwords are typically stored and transmitted as plaintext. PLEX sources require authentication and sending requests to PLEX servers.
  • Activating Spotify specific features requires interacting with the Spotify API. These Spotify features are disabled by default.

*Discogs will only be used if a user personal access token is entered in settings.

Remember that 3rd party websites/services may log usage and have their own privacy policies.

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