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Chat App using Flutter

This Flutter app implements a simple chat interface with a bot using the Flutter framework. The chat interface allows users to send messages to a bot and receive responses.


  • Users can send messages to the bot.
  • Bot responds to user messages with predictions.
  • Supports custom system prompts for bot responses.


  • dart:convert: For JSON encoding and decoding.
  • package:flutter/cupertino.dart: Flutter Cupertino widgets for iOS-style UI.
  • package:flutter/material.dart: Flutter material widgets for UI elements.
  • package:flutter_markdown/flutter_markdown.dart: Markdown rendering for chat messages.
  • package:http/http.dart: HTTP client for making requests.
  • package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart: For storing chat history and custom instructions.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Open the project in a Flutter-compatible IDE.
  3. Run the project on an emulator or physical device.
  4. Start chatting with the bot.


The app includes a Credits screen accessible from the main chat interface, acknowledging contributors and resources used in development.