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Tobias Merkl edited this page Jan 9, 2017 · 15 revisions

Latest version:

OXID Module Connector (OMC) displays available modules and a short description, and it allows to install these modules automatically (if possible) and directly from the OXID eShop admin panel. If an automated installation is not possible for some reason, OMC links to the original module page. (deutsche Version)

OXID Module Connector

This module is based on ioly and was developed during the #oxhackathon16 event. The OXIDforge editorial team currently takes care of the content (modules) in their leisure time, any help is appreciated!


Please note that this is a community project which comes with absolutely no warranty nor claim for completeness or correctness of the content. If you like it, we appreciate if you contribute either modules or general improvements.

This module is designed for development and testing environments.
Please do not install any module in your live shop environment!
Please backup your installation (database + files) before installing a module via OXID Module Connector!


OXID Module Connector (OMC) is licensed under MIT License. Please see the file for details.