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Public API for Things (public-things-api)

Provides a public API for Things stored in a Neo4J graph database

Things are being migrated to be served from the new Public Concepts API and as such this API will eventually be deprecated. From July 2018 requests to this service will be redirected via the concepts api then transformed to match the existing contract and returned.


Download the source code, dependencies and test dependencies:

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build -mod=readonly .

Running locally

  1. Run the tests and install the binary:

    go test -mod=readonly ./...
    go install
  2. Run the binary (using the help flag to see the available optional arguments):

    $GOPATH/bin/public-things-api [--help]
      --app-system-code        System Code of the application (env $APP_SYSTEM_CODE) (default "public-things-api")
      --port                   Port to listen on (env $APP_PORT) (default "8080")
      --env                    environment this app is running in (default "local")
      --cache-duration         Duration Get requests should be cached for. e.g. 2h45m would set the max-age value to '7440' seconds (env $CACHE_DURATION) (default "30s")
      --logLevel               Log level of the app (env $LOG_LEVEL) (default "info")
      --publicConceptsApiURL   Public concepts API endpoint URL. (env $CONCEPTS_API) (default "http://localhost:8080")

Build and deployment

  • The application is built as a docker image inside a helm chart to be deployed in a Kubernetes cluster. An internal Jenkins job takes care to push the Docker image to Docker Hub and deploy the chart when a tag is created. This is the Docker Hub repository: coco/public-things-api
  • CI provided by CircleCI: public-things-api

Service endpoints

Getting a "thing" description

Using curl:

curl http://localhost:8080/things/{concept-uuid} | jq

This an example of the response body

  "id": "",
  "apiUrl": "",
  "prefLabel": "Solar Wars",
  "types": [
  "directType": "",
  "aliases": [
    "Solar Wars"

Getting a "thing" description with its relationships with other concepts

The client can request additional information about specific relationships with other concepts by adding the showRelationship query parameters in the request URL. The showRelationship parameters can assume the following values:

  • broader, which append all the concepts that have a SKOS broader relationship with the requested "thing";
  • broaderTransitive, which append all the concepts that have a SKOS broader transitive relationship with the requested "thing";
  • narrower, which append all the concepts that have a SKOS narrower relationship with the requested "thing";
  • related, which append all the concepts that have a SKOS related relationship with the requested "thing".

This is an example of curl request:

curl http://localhost:8080/things/a11fa00f-777d-484a-9ebc-fbf81b774fc0?showRelationship=broaderTransitive&showRelationship=related&showRelationship=narrower | jq

This is a potential response of a thing description with relationships

  "id": "",
  "apiUrl": "",
  "prefLabel": "Solar Wars",
  "types": [
  "directType": "",
  "aliases": [
    "Solar Wars"
  "narrowerConcepts": [
      "id": "",
      "apiUrl": "",
      "prefLabel": "Macroeconomics",
      "types": [
      "directType": "",
      "predicate": ""
  "broaderConcepts": [
      "id": "",
      "apiUrl": "",
      "prefLabel": "Trade disputes",
      "types": [
      "directType": "",
      "predicate": ""
      "id": "",
      "apiUrl": "",
      "prefLabel": "Global Trade",
      "types": [
      "directType": "",
      "predicate": ""
  "relatedConcepts": [
      "id": "",
      "apiUrl": "",
      "prefLabel": "Renewable Energy",
      "types": [
      "directType": "",
      "predicate": ""
      "id": "",
      "apiUrl": "",
      "prefLabel": "Protectionism",
      "types": [
      "directType": "",
      "predicate": ""

Getting multiple "thing" descriptions with one request

It's possible to request descriptions for multiple things via GET /things endpoint, providing uuids as url parameters. It still supports concept relationships (with showRelationship url param) and returns a high level things json object which includes a map of requested uuids and actual resolved descriptions/values of the things.

A subtle difference between single and bulk get operation

Bulk get automatically handles non canonical uuids, resolves the canonical uuid and provide the response accordingly. Since this approach keeps this behaviour abstracted to the caller, endpoint returns the mapping of the requested uuid and the actual resolved things so that the client can be aware of the possible auto resolution.

Sample usage;

    curl http://localhost:8080/things?uuid={canonical-uuid}&uuid={non-canonical-uuid}&uuid={yet-another-canonical-uuid} | jq

Sample response at a high level;

  "things": {
    "a11fa00f-777d-484a-9ebc-fbf81b774fc0": {
      "id": "",
      "apiUrl": "",
      "prefLabel": "Solar Wars",
      "types": [
      "directType": "",
      "aliases": [
        "Solar Wars"


Admin endpoints are:

  • /__gtg
  • /__health
  • /__build-info
  • /__ping


  • The application uses logrus; the log file is initialised in main.go.
  • Logging requires an env app parameter, for all environments other than local logs are written to file.
  • When running locally, logs are written to console. If you want to log locally to file, you need to pass in an env parameter that is != local.
  • NOTE: /__build-info and /__ping endpoints are not logged as this information is not needed in logs/splunk.