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🐾 Combines the PostPublication and the PostMetadataPublication events; then forwards the built messages to Kafka


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This service builds combined messages (content + internal content + annotations) based on events received from PostConceptAnnotations or PostPublicationEvents. This is a combination point for synchronizing the content, internal content and metadata publish flows.

Note: One publish event can result in two messages in the CombinedPostPublicationEvents topic (one for the content publish and one for the metadata publish).

  • For PostPublicationEvents messages the service extracts the published content from the messages and requests the internal content and metadata from internal-content-api. It is possible for internal-content-api to return empty annotations field.
  • For PostConceptAnnotations messages the service extracts only the content uuid from the message and requests the content from document-store-api and internal content and metadata from internal-content-api. It is possible for document-store-api to return 404 Not Found fot the provided content uuid.

The service then constructs a CombinedPostPublicationEvents message with the received data. It is possible for either content or metadata fields in the constructed message to be empty, but not both.

CombinedPostPublicationEvents format

  "uuid": "some_uuid", // content uuid
  "contentUri": "",
  "lastModified": "",
  "deleted": false,
  "content": {}, // data returned from document-store-api
  "internalContent": {}, // data returned from internal-content-api without annotations
  "metadata": [] // annotations data returned from internal-content-api



In order to build, execute the following steps:

    go get
    cd $GOPATH/src/
    go build .

Running locally

  1. Run the tests and install the binary:
    go test ./...
    go install
  1. Run the binary (using the help flag to see the available optional arguments):

Please check --help for more details.

Test: You can verify the service's behaviour by checking the consumed and the generated Kafka messages. You can also use the force endpoint.

Build and deployment

Service/Utility endpoints

Force endpoint

POST - /{content_uuid} - Creates and forwards a CombinedPostPublicationEvent to the queue for the provided UUID.

Refer to api.yml for api related documentation.


Our standard admin endpoints are: /__gtg - returns 503 if any if the checks executed at the /__health endpoint returns false


Checks if:

  • kafka is reachable
  • document-store-api is reachable
  • internal-content-api is reachable



  • The application uses the FT go-logger library, based on logrus.
  • NOTE: There is no logging for /__build-info and /__gtg endpoints as they are called frequently.


🐾 Combines the PostPublication and the PostMetadataPublication events; then forwards the built messages to Kafka








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