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Project nearbyassist

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Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

How to use


In order to build the project you'll need (Go)[] to be installed in your machine

Compile with Make

run all make commands with clean tests

make all build

build the application

make build

run the application

make run

live reload the application

make watch

run the test suite

make test

clean up binary from the last build

make clean

Compile with docker

docker compose --file compiler-docker-compose.yml up --build

Run dev server with docker

docker compose -f dev-docker-compose.yml up

to remove all containers for dev server

docker compose -f dev-docker-compose down

Run dev server without docker

  1. Run mysql db
docker compose up
  1. Run server
  • In windows, either run the server executable in terminal or double click the executable
  1. Seed the db


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