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BlazorStyleSheet allows blazor (Blazor server, webassembly and MAUI blazor) developers to write their CSS styles directly in C# without the need for external stylesheets.


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BlazorStyleSheet allows blazor (Blazor server, webassembly and MAUI blazor) developers to write their CSS styles directly in C# without the need for external stylesheets.

BlazorStyleSheet is built on top of Stylesheet.NET.

Stylesheet.Net is a cross-platform .NET library designed for C#, VB.NET, and F# developers. It enables developers to write CSS styles directly in their code, eliminating the need for external stylesheet files. Stylesheet.Net provides pre-written implementations for all CSS properties, at-rules, keywords, and other elements, eliminating the need for additional dependencies.

Stylesheet.Net is not a library from outside. It is an open source (MIT) library I wrote and maintain.


I would recommend you to have a look and understand how to use Stylesheet.Net before you can continue this tutorial. Click the link above and read the documentations.


Quick start

To start using BlazorStylesheet, we first need to add it in our project.

We can add it from nuget, or directly referencing BlazorStylesheet.dll

Open nuget package manager in visual studio and paste the following code.

Install-Package BlazorStylesheet -Version 1.0.0
  1. After installation done, open the file Program.cs or Startup.cs or MauiProgram.cs in your blazor project.

    Add the following code

    using BlazorStylesheet;
  2. Open the file _Imports.razor. In blazor server and webassembly you can find it under the project root. For MAUI you can find it under Components folder.

Add the following namespaces

@using BlazorStylesheet
@using StylesheetNET
  1. Now open _Layout.cshtml in blazor server which you can find it under Shared folder, or index.html in blazor webassembly and MAUI which you can find it under wwwroot folder.

    Add the following html tags in the head before any script or styles.

    <link href="_content/BlazorStylesheet/fix.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="_content/BlazorStylesheet/BlazorStylesheet.js"></script>

    Now scroll up, in the tag <htm ...> add loading="loader". I will explain why we need these tags and attributes in later sections (see section 'Why we need...').


  2. And lastly, in Blazor Server and Blazor Webassembly open App.razor which you can find under the project root. And in MAUI, open Routes.razor which you can find under Components folder.

    Wrap everything you see there with:

    <RazorStylesheet> </RazorStylesheet>

You have to complete every step mentioned above.

Now we are ready to write our first css in C#.

in our MainLayout.razor, let's inject the main stylesheet and call it sheet. Then we can use sheet property to write our CSS. You can do this in every component you want to access the main stylesheet.

Now copy the following code and paste in MainLayout.razor C# code.

 public Stylesheet sheet
     get; set;

 protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)

    if (firstRender)
        sheet["body"].BackgroundColor = "blue";


Now build your application and refresh the browser. You will see your html body became blue color.

To learn how to write your stylesheet in C# please refer to

To access sheet in other components, inject them the stylesheet, following step 4 above.

Whenever you change something in your stylesheet, you have to call sheet.Build() to reflect the changes in the DOM.

That is how you can access your stylesheet in your components. But writing your whole css in a component is not a good idea as that makes your component codes unreadable.

Infact there is nothing wrong writing your css in your components. But it is good idea to write in a separate classes. We will do that in the next section. Also we will learn when we should write our css in a component.

Lets build real world application

Now lets cretate the following navbar menu.

  1. Create a new component and name it NavBar.Razor.

  2. Paste the following html code in the NavBar.Razor you have created.

<nav class="navbar">
    <a href="#" class="selected">Home</a>
    <a href="#">About</a>
    <a href="#">Blog</a>
    <a href="#">Portefolio</a>
    <a href="#">Contact</a>
  1. Add the NavBar.Razor you have created to MainLayout.razor or in any other component you want.


  2. Now lets create our CSS in C#. Create a new class and call it Style.cs and add these two namespaces.

using BlazorStylesheet;
using StylesheetNET;

Now, our class may look somehing like this:

public class Style

But that's just a simple class, and BlazorStylesheet doesn't recognize it. We need to indicate that this class is for stylesheet. We can do that by simply decorating it with [StylesheetClass] attribute like this:

public class Style

Now, when we run our application, BlazorStylesheet will recognize our class and compile it into CSS.

Now let's write some CSS in our class. But write where?

Well, lets add a method and name it Setup and decorate it with [StylesheetMethod] like this:

private void Setup()


When we run our application again and BlazorStylesheet finds our class, it will look for our Setup method and executes it.

Infact, our Setup method is executed, not because it is called Setup but BlazorStylesheet looks for any parameterless methods that are decorated with [StylesheetMethod] attribute and executes them. That means we can have as many methods as we want and name whatever names we want.

public void method1()
    // will be executed

public method2()
    // will not be executed because it is missing [StylesheetMethod]
   // BlazorStylesheet will ignore it.

public void method3(object parameter)
    // will throw an exception error 
   // bacause a method with [StylesheetMethod]
   // should not have any parameter. 

But still, how we supposed to write our CSS?

Well, to write our CSS we need to have an access to our main stylesheet. The main stylesheet is the stylesheet that acts like the stylesheet file of our website. It is created when the browser loads our website. And its available throughout our website and it is constant, meaning, it never gets recreated again untill the browser is refreshed.

In razor components we can access it through injection.

But to access the main stylesheet in our class, we have to add a property of type Stylesheet and decorate it with [StylesheetProperty]. We can name it whatever name we want. For this example, we will name it sheet.

 public class Style
     private Stylesheet sheet

Now, sheet is a reference to our main stylesheet. And we can use it to write our CSS.

BlazorStylesheet will look for any property with attribute [StylesheetProperty] and reference them to the main stylesheet.

Now, to check if everything is working like expected. Let's give our website's body red background color.

Your Style.cs class should look like this for now.

 public class Style
     public Stylesheet sheet

     private void MakeBodyRed()
         sheet["body"] = new Element()
             BackgroundColor = "red !important"
       //You can also write like this: 
       // sheet["body"].BackgroundColor = "red !important";
      // But the way i wrote is recommended and cleaner if you are not updating.

Now build your application and refresh the browser. Your website body should be red.

In MAUI, you may encounter this error:

'Element' is an ambiguous reference between 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element' and 'StylesheetNET.Element'

Because both Microsoft.Maui.Controls and StylesheetNET have Element class.

To fix, Add the following namespace:

using Element = StylesheetNET.Element;


If everything is going right, let's write the CSS for our Navbar.razor

Although you can write your CSS in anyway you like, but it is good idea to categorize them in methods. That is what we will do here.

Now let's write our full CSS. Here is the full C# code.

  public class Style
      private Stylesheet sheet

      private void NavBar()
          sheet[".navbar"] = new Element()

              Position = PositionOptions.Relative,
              Width = "590px",
              Height = "60px",
              PaddingLeft = "10px",
              PaddingRight = "10px",
              BackgroundColor = "#34495e",
              BorderRadius = "8px",
              FontSize = "0"
      private void NavBar_a()
          sheet[".navbar > a"] = new Element()
              LineHeight = "50px",
              Height = "100%",
              Width = "100px",
              FontSize = "15px",
              Display = DisplayOptions.InlineBlock,
              Position = PositionOptions.Relative,
              ZIndex = "1",
              TextDecoration = "none",
              TextTransform = TextTransformOptions.Uppercase,
              TextAlign = TextAlignOptions.Center,
              Color = "white",
              Cursor = CursorOptions.Pointer
      private void NavBar_a_Selected()
          sheet[".navbar > a.selected"] = new Element()
              BackgroundColor = "#17B1EA",
              BorderRadius = "10px"

      private void NavBar_a_Selected_Hover()
          sheet[".navbar > a"] = new ElementHover()
              BackgroundColor = "#17B1EA",
              BorderRadius = "10px",
              Transition = "border-radius",
              TransitionDuration = ".3s",
              TransitionTimingFunction = TransitionTimingFunctionOptions.EaseIn

      void Animation()
          sheet["h1"] = new Element()
              AnimationName = "pulse",
              AnimationDuration = "2s",
              AnimationIterationCount = AnimationIterationCountOptions.Infinite

          sheet[AtRuleType.Keyframes] = new Keyframes("pulse")
              ["from"] = new Keyframe()
                  Opacity = "1.0"
              ["to"] = new Keyframe()
                  Opacity = "0"
      //Media Query for Mobile Devices
      // @media (max-width: 480px) 
      void ForMobile() //Make body red for mobile phones
          sheet[AtRuleType.MediaQuery] = new MediaQuery(new AtRule().MaxWidth("480px"))
              ["body"] = new Element()
                  BackgroundColor = "red"
      // Media Query for low resolution  Tablets, Ipads
      // @media (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 767px)
      void ForTablet() //Make body yellow for Tablets, Ipads
          sheet[AtRuleType.MediaQuery] = new MediaQuery(new AtRule().MinWidth("481px").And.MaxWidth("767px"))
              ["body"] = new Element()
                  BackgroundColor = "yellow"

      // Media Query for Laptops and Desktops
      // @media (min-width: 1025px) and (max-width: 1280px)
      void ForDesktop() //Make body gren for Laptops and Desktops
          sheet[AtRuleType.MediaQuery] = new MediaQuery(new AtRule().MinWidth("1025px").And.MaxWidth("1280px"))
              ["body"] = new Element()
                  BackgroundColor = "green"

Apart from the style for the NavBar.Razor, we also added Media queries for mobile, Tablet and Desktop where we change the background color of the body for each. We also added animation called flash for h1 elements.

That is how you can write you CSS in classes in C# using BlazorStylesheet. Following this way, you can have as many classes as you want. At the end of the day, all of them will be compiled into a single stylesheet file.

If you write same CSS in different places i.e classes, always the later ones will override the older ones. Depending the order of execution and compilation.

Here, I haven't covered a full tutorial on how to write CSS in C# using BlazorStylesheet. Because this library uses the Stylesheet.NET library, which has a comprehensive tutorial, you can refer to the link below for detailed guidance on writing CSS in C#.


When and how to write CSS in components?

With BlazorStylesheet, we have the freedom to write our CSS anywhere in our Blazor project. This is handy for keeping styles specific to a particular component and updating our CSS in realtime. But remember, for bigger styles or styles used across your whole application, it's generally better to organize them in separate C# classes. This makes your code easier to manage.

Unlike classes, which we can access the main stylesheet through attribute decoration which the injection is managed by the BlazorStylesheet itself. In components, we can access the main stylesheet through injection provided by the Dependency Injection (DI) container provided by .NET.

In your components use @Inject. Put it top of your razor file.

@inject Stylesheet sheet


Then you can use sheet in your component.

 protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
     if (firstRender)
         sheet["body"].BackgroundColor = "blue";

In components or other places where BlazorStylesheet doesn't manage, you have to call sheet.Build() when you change something in the stylesheet to reflect the changes.

You don't need to call StateHasChanged() as that has no effect on BlazorStylesheet.

Why we need...

loading="loader" attribute in our <html loading="loader"> and fix.css?

BlazorStylesheet depends on JavaScript runtime (JSRuntime) provided by Blazor. JSRuntime is not ready untill the whole page is loaded. This means BlazorStylesheet has to wait untill JSRuntime is ready to send the compiled CSS to the clientside.

This will create a problem where your website is not styled untill everything is loaded. You can fix this problem by either showing a loader or not displaying the website untill the css is ready and the website is styled.

Both solutions lies in fix.css file you added.

To show loader while the website is getting ready add the following html attribute in your html tag.

<html loading="loader">

To not show the content of the website while it is getting ready add the following html attribute in your html tag.

<html loading="">

BlazorStylesheet does not add any element to the DOM to create the loader. So you should not worry about your DOM being modified.


This library uses Stylesheet.NET which you can find the repository below



BlazorStyleSheet allows blazor (Blazor server, webassembly and MAUI blazor) developers to write their CSS styles directly in C# without the need for external stylesheets.








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