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JsonSchema error for rust-analyzer configuration schema #1741

3 tasks done
yanis-fourel opened this issue Jun 24, 2024 · 1 comment
3 tasks done

JsonSchema error for rust-analyzer configuration schema #1741

yanis-fourel opened this issue Jun 24, 2024 · 1 comment


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Problem description

Expanding the "LSP server configuration schema" for rust-analyzer gives the following error

Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: .../lazy/mason.nvim/lua/mason/ui/components/json-schema.lua:119: attempt to concatenate local 'key' (a n
il value)
stack traceback:
        .../lazy/mason.nvim/lua/mason/ui/components/json-schema.lua:119: in function <.../lazy/mason.nvim/lua/mason/ui/components/json-schema.lua:4
        vim/shared.lua: in function 'map'
        .../lazy/mason.nvim/lua/mason/ui/components/json-schema.lua:112: in function 'JsonSchema'
        ...mason.nvim/lua/mason/ui/components/main/package_list.lua:112: in function 'When'
        ...mason.nvim/lua/mason/ui/components/main/package_list.lua:106: in function 'When'
        ...mason.nvim/lua/mason/ui/components/main/package_list.lua:91: in function 'When'
        ...mason.nvim/lua/mason/ui/components/main/package_list.lua:172: in function 'list_item_renderer'
        ...mason.nvim/lua/mason/ui/components/main/package_list.lua:14: in function 'PackageListContainer'
        ...mason.nvim/lua/mason/ui/components/main/package_list.lua:201: in function 'Installed'
        ...mason.nvim/lua/mason/ui/components/main/package_list.lua:369: in function 'PackageList' in function 'Main' in function 'When' in function 'renderer'
        ...share/nvim/lazy/mason.nvim/lua/mason-core/ui/display.lua:496: in function 'debounced_fn'
        ...share/nvim/lazy/mason.nvim/lua/mason-core/ui/display.lua:21: in function <...share/nvim/lazy/mason.nvim/lua/mason-core/ui/display.lua:20

By adding a vim.print(shema) on the line right before the error happens, this is the last messages that got printed:

  default = false,
  markdownDescription = "Whether to show the main part of the rendered rustc output of a diagnostic message.",
  type = "boolean"
  default = false,
  markdownDescription = "Whether to show diagnostics using the original rustc error code. If this is false, all rustc diagnostics will have the cod
e 'rustc(Click for full compiler diagnostics)'",
  type = "boolean"
  title = "$generated-start"

and then the error message.

by adding a

if key ~= nil  then
  label = ...
  label = "<no key>"

Then there is no more error, and here is the displayed Json schema:

      ↓ LSP server configuration schema (press enter to collapse)
        This is a read-only overview of the settings this server accepts. Note that some settings might not apply to neovim.

        → rust-analyzer.cargoRunner                        
        → rust-analyzer.discoverProjectRunner              
        → rust-analyzer.restartServerOnConfigChange         default: false
        → rust-analyzer.showDependenciesExplorer            default: true
        → rust-analyzer.showRequestFailedErrorNotification  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.showUnlinkedFileNotification        default: true
        → rust-analyzer.testExplorer                        default: false
        → rust-analyzer.runnables.extraEnv       
        → rust-analyzer.runnables.problemMatcher  default: ["$rustc"]
        → rust-analyzer.statusBar.clickAction  default: "openLogs"
        → rust-analyzer.server.extraEnv 
        → rust-analyzer.server.path     
        → rust-analyzer.trace.extension  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.trace.server     default: "off"
        → rust-analyzer.debug.engine          default: "auto"
        → rust-analyzer.debug.engineSettings  default: {}
        → rust-analyzer.debug.openDebugPane   default: false
        → rust-analyzer.debug.sourceFileMap   default: {"\/rustc\/<id>":"${env:USERPROFILE}\/.rustup\/toolchains\/<toolchain-id>\/lib\/rustlib\/src\/rust"}
        → rust-analyzer.typing.continueCommentsOnNewline  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.diagnostics.previewRustcOutput  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.diagnostics.useRustcErrorCode   default: false
        <no key>
        → rust-analyzer.assist.emitMustUse  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.assist.expressionFillDefault  default: "todo"
        → rust-analyzer.assist.termSearch.fuel  default: 400
        → rust-analyzer.cachePriming.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.cachePriming.numThreads  default: "physical"
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.allTargets  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.autoreload  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.invocationLocation  default: "workspace"
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.invocationStrategy  default: "per_workspace"
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.overrideCommand 
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.rebuildOnSave  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.useRustcWrapper  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.cfgs  default: []
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.extraArgs  default: []
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.extraEnv  default: {}
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.features  default: []
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.noDefaultFeatures  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.sysroot  default: "discover"
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.sysrootQueryMetadata  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.sysrootSrc 
        → rust-analyzer.cargo.targetDir 
        → rust-analyzer.checkOnSave  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.check.allTargets 
        → rust-analyzer.check.command  default: "check"
        → rust-analyzer.check.extraArgs  default: []
        → rust-analyzer.check.extraEnv  default: {}
        → rust-analyzer.check.features 
        → rust-analyzer.check.ignore  default: []
        → rust-analyzer.check.invocationLocation  default: "workspace"
        → rust-analyzer.check.invocationStrategy  default: "per_workspace"
        → rust-analyzer.check.noDefaultFeatures 
        → rust-analyzer.check.overrideCommand 
        → rust-analyzer.check.targets 
        → rust-analyzer.check.workspace  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.completion.autoimport.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.completion.autoself.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.completion.callable.snippets  default: "fill_arguments"
        → rust-analyzer.completion.fullFunctionSignatures.enable  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.completion.limit 
        → rust-analyzer.completion.postfix.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.completion.privateEditable.enable  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.completion.snippets.custom  default: {"Ok":{"postfix":"ok","description":"Wrap the expression in a `Result::Ok`","body":"Ok(${receiver})","scope":"expr"},"Some":{"postfix":"some","description":"Wrap the expression in an `Option::Some`","body":"Some(${receiver})","scope":"expr"},"Arc::new":{"scope":"expr","description":"Put the expression into an `Arc`","body":"Arc::new(${receiver})","postfix":"arc","requires":"std::sync::Arc"},"Err":{"postfix":"err","description":"Wrap the expression in a `Result::Err`","body":"Err(${receiver})","scope":"expr"},"Rc::new":{"scope":"expr","description":"Put the expression into an `Rc`","body":"Rc::new(${receiver})","postfix":"rc","requires":"std::rc::Rc"},"Box::pin":{"scope":"expr","description":"Put the expression into a pinned `Box`","body":"Box::pin(${receiver})","postfix":"pinbox","requires":"std::boxed::Box"}}
        → rust-analyzer.completion.termSearch.enable  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.completion.termSearch.fuel  default: 200
        → rust-analyzer.diagnostics.disabled  default: []
        → rust-analyzer.diagnostics.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.diagnostics.experimental.enable  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.diagnostics.remapPrefix  default: {}
        → rust-analyzer.diagnostics.styleLints.enable  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.diagnostics.warningsAsHint  default: []
        → rust-analyzer.diagnostics.warningsAsInfo  default: []
        → rust-analyzer.files.excludeDirs  default: []
        → rust-analyzer.files.watcher  default: "client"
        → rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.breakPoints.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.closureCaptures.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.exitPoints.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.references.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.yieldPoints.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.hover.actions.debug.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.hover.actions.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.hover.actions.gotoTypeDef.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.hover.actions.implementations.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.hover.actions.references.enable  default: false
        →  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.hover.documentation.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.hover.documentation.keywords.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.hover.links.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.hover.memoryLayout.alignment  default: "hexadecimal"
        → rust-analyzer.hover.memoryLayout.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.hover.memoryLayout.niches  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.hover.memoryLayout.offset  default: "hexadecimal"
        → rust-analyzer.hover.memoryLayout.size  default: "both"
        →  default: 5
        →  default: 5
        → rust-analyzer.imports.granularity.enforce  default: false
        →  default: "crate"
        →  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.imports.merge.glob  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.imports.preferNoStd  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.imports.preferPrelude  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.imports.prefix  default: "plain"
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.bindingModeHints.enable  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.chainingHints.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.closingBraceHints.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.closingBraceHints.minLines  default: 25
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.closureCaptureHints.enable  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.closureReturnTypeHints.enable  default: "never"
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.closureStyle  default: "impl_fn"
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.discriminantHints.enable  default: "never"
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.expressionAdjustmentHints.enable  default: "never"
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.expressionAdjustmentHints.hideOutsideUnsafe  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.expressionAdjustmentHints.mode  default: "prefix"
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.implicitDrops.enable  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.lifetimeElisionHints.enable  default: "never"
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.lifetimeElisionHints.useParameterNames  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.maxLength  default: 25
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.parameterHints.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.rangeExclusiveHints.enable  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.reborrowHints.enable  default: "never"
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.renderColons  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.typeHints.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.typeHints.hideClosureInitialization  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.inlayHints.typeHints.hideNamedConstructor  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.interpret.tests  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.joinLines.joinAssignments  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.joinLines.joinElseIf  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.joinLines.removeTrailingComma  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.joinLines.unwrapTrivialBlock  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.lens.debug.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.lens.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.lens.forceCustomCommands  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.lens.implementations.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.lens.location  default: "above_name"
        → rust-analyzer.lens.references.adt.enable  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.lens.references.enumVariant.enable  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.lens.references.method.enable  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.lens.references.trait.enable  default: false
        →  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.linkedProjects  default: []
        → rust-analyzer.lru.capacity 
        → rust-analyzer.lru.query.capacities  default: {}
        → rust-analyzer.notifications.cargoTomlNotFound  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.notifications.unindexedProject  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.numThreads 
        → rust-analyzer.procMacro.attributes.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.procMacro.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.procMacro.ignored  default: {}
        → rust-analyzer.procMacro.server 
        → rust-analyzer.references.excludeImports  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.references.excludeTests  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.runnables.command 
        → rust-analyzer.runnables.extraArgs  default: []
        → rust-analyzer.runnables.extraTestBinaryArgs  default: ["--show-output"]
        → rust-analyzer.rustc.source 
        → rust-analyzer.rustfmt.extraArgs  default: []
        → rust-analyzer.rustfmt.overrideCommand 
        → rust-analyzer.rustfmt.rangeFormatting.enable  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.semanticHighlighting.doc.comment.inject.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.semanticHighlighting.nonStandardTokens  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.semanticHighlighting.operator.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.semanticHighlighting.operator.specialization.enable  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.semanticHighlighting.punctuation.enable  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.semanticHighlighting.punctuation.separate.macro.bang  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.semanticHighlighting.punctuation.specialization.enable  default: false
        → rust-analyzer.semanticHighlighting.strings.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.signatureInfo.detail  default: "full"
        → rust-analyzer.signatureInfo.documentation.enable  default: true
        → rust-analyzer.typing.autoClosingAngleBrackets.enable  default: false
        →  default: "only_types"
        →  default: 128
        →  default: "workspace"
        <no key>

Expected behavior

Show the server configuration json schema without error

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install mason (commit: 37a336b)
  2. Install rust-analyzer ( installed version 2024-06-17 )
  3. Launch nvim
  4. :Mason
  5. Expand rust-analyzer
  6. Expand LSP server configuration schema (press enter to expand)

Affected packages


Neovim version (>= 0.7)

NVIM v0.10.0
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.1716656478

Operating system/version

Linux xxx 6.9.5-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sun, 16 Jun 2024 19:06:37 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux


mason: require("").check()

mason.nvim ~
- OK mason.nvim version v1.10.0
- OK PATH: prepend
- OK Providers: 
- OK neovim version >= 0.7.0

mason.nvim [Registries] ~
- OK Registry ` version: 2024-06-24-fatal-soy` is installed.

mason.nvim [Core utils] ~
- OK unzip: `UnZip 6.00 of 20 April 2009, by Info-ZIP.  Maintained by C. Spieler.  Send`
- WARNING wget: not available
    - spawn: wget failed with exit code - and signal -. wget is not executable
- OK curl: `curl 8.8.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/8.8.0 OpenSSL/3.3.1 zlib/1.3.1 brotli/1.1.0 zstd/1.5.6 libidn2/2.3.7 libpsl/0.21.5 libssh2/1.11.0 nghttp2/1.62.1 nghttp3/1.4.0`
- OK gzip: `gzip 1.13`
- OK tar: `tar (GNU tar) 1.35`
- OK bash: `GNU bash, version 5.2.26(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)`
- OK sh: `Ok`

mason.nvim [Languages] ~
- WARNING luarocks: not available
    - spawn: luarocks failed with exit code - and signal -. luarocks is not executable
- WARNING Composer: not available
    - spawn: composer failed with exit code - and signal -. composer is not executable
- WARNING PHP: not available
    - spawn: php failed with exit code - and signal -. php is not executable
- WARNING Ruby: not available
    - spawn: ruby failed with exit code - and signal -. ruby is not executable
- WARNING RubyGem: not available
    - spawn: gem failed with exit code - and signal -. gem is not executable
- OK Go: `go version go1.22.4 linux/amd64`
- OK cargo: `cargo 1.79.0`
- WARNING julia: not available
    - spawn: julia failed with exit code - and signal -. julia is not executable
- OK node: `v22.3.0`
- OK python: `Python 3.12.4`
- WARNING pip: not available
    - spawn: python3 failed with exit code 1 and signal 0. /usr/bin/python3: No module named pip
- OK java: `openjdk version "21.0.3" 2024-04-16`
- WARNING javac: not available
    - spawn: javac failed with exit code 1 and signal 0. Error: Unable to load main class in module jdk.compiler
      	java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /usr/lib/jvm/java-21-openjdk/lib/ /usr/lib/jvm/java-21-openjdk/lib/ undefined symbol: reuseport_available
      Runtime.exit(1) logging failed: Could not initialize class jdk.internal.module.SystemModuleFinders$SystemImage
- OK python venv: `Ok`
- OK npm: `10.8.1`

mason.nvim [GitHub] ~
- OK GitHub API rate limit. Used: 12. Remaining: 48. Limit: 60. Reset: Mon 24 Jun 2024 05:12:57 PM CST.
  Install and authenticate via gh-cli to increase rate limit.

Screenshots or recordings

No response

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Hi, the issue involves a JsonSchema error for the rust-analyzer configuration schema in the mason.nvim plugin. To solve it:

1.	Identify the source of the error in json-schema.lua at line 119, where a nil value is being concatenated.
2.	Add a conditional check to handle the nil value by setting a default label if key is nil.
3.	Test the modified code to ensure it displays the configuration schema correctly without errors.

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2 participants