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Ben Stitt GalacticDeep
Submarine veteran, philosophy degree, city goer, Dungeon Master, systems engineer

Grand Rapids, MI

Antoine cletqui
Cybersecurity Engineer

Cybersecurity Consulting Europe/Paris

Gaurav Agrawal gauravagrwal
🃏 Game Developer | Software Engineer | Tech Enthusiast | Philatelist

Light & Wonder Bengaluru, India

Elijah Wilt oojBuffalo

Cornell University

N1nJi4.X fuzzbuster
Pentest Ninja Apprentice 🐱‍🚀

Pentest Ninja Dojo 木ノ葉の里

game server programmer and hard core gamer
Kokou Elolo AMEGAYIBO AKEAmazan
#GIS #Web #Data ......... </code> <3 Team @mikollect @OSMTogo @Minodoo228

@mikollect | @osmafrica

Adam Setch setchy
🌎 Vice President // Domain Architect @WorldKinect | 👨‍💻 Maintainer of @gitify-app | 🚀 DX & GraphQL Enthusiast

World Kinect Miami, FL

Jacob jacobtread
Your average Full-Stack Developer

New Zealand

Scott Duncan roguesupport-scott
I'm just some guy. Nobody important. Nothing to see here. Move along...

Rogue Support Inc Toronto

Filip Rupic filiprupic

CodeEnigma Croatia

Daniel Nowak haooxin
Tech & Homelab Nerd. #raspberrypi #ansible #k3s #terraform #ubuntu #proxmox


Yu fyxt
我总觉得,我们身边正在出现一些细微的东西,这些看不见的东西正在一点点地改变着我们。遇见的人,遇见的事,遇见的风景,看过的书,听过的歌,甚至听到的一句话,都在慢慢地改变我们的人生轨迹。 改变着未来。 一点一点,用我们察觉不到的速度和力度,慢慢慢慢地改写 --------- 燃烧的男孩
Leon James Emperado MasterLenoX
Front-End Developer | Back-End Developer | CodeIgniter4 Developer I'm still Learning and Working 💻💼

Freelance Web Developer & Programmer San Rafael, Bulacan, Philippines

Will willbert03
I don't know what I'm doing in this realm.



National Taiwan University Taipei

Dominik Mx dmalkiewicz88
SYS/NET Admin, HW/SW Dev and automation tester with interest on IT,Automation,IOT/Embedded. Automatics bachelor. Certified by istqb, cisco. Private Repo


Randell Brian Knight RandellBrianKnight
Hello 👋, I am a Salesforce Certified Associate & AI Associate, a Ranger on Salesforce Trailhead, and I'm learning Python, R, & DataScience for AI.


Andreas Bonadt abonadt

Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Styner Styner2023
Agile Leader & Full-Stack Developer | Certified Scrum Master & Agile Practitioner | Proficient in Jira & Python | Dedicated to Driving Innovation