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Haruki Kirigaya zxteloiv
God is in his heaven, all is right with the world.

CASIA Beijing, China

yao2332 yao2332

Tsinghua University Beijing

Zzikang vo-lar
Take it ez

TJU->ZJU shanghai

WangJie cnwangjie
Indie Developer | Full-Stack Engineer | Using @archlinux @golang @rust-lang @nodejs @flutter | ex-@bytedance @tiktok

well-being universe

Damon damon008
长期从事Java开发,SpringCloud的微服务架构设计,以及结合K8s做微服务容器化,自动化部署等一站式项目部署、落地。目前主要从事基于 K8s 云原生架构研发的工作。Golang语言开发,长期研究边缘计算框架 KubeEdge、调度框架Volcano等。
Zhenglin Cheng QAQdev
ZJU B.Eng.; Incoming Ph.D. Student @LINs-lab

Zhejiang University Zhejiang, China

Jerry fhigher
Just do it !
yxqAIxp github-luffy
Sharing makes people happy.


DavidChan DavidChan0519
Deep Learning Framework & AI Compiler & Linux Kernel Driver

Enflame-tech Chengdu

Tao Lin tlin-taolin
Westlake University | EPFL

@epfml Hangzhou

Cyclotomic Fields SHIMURA0
Mathematician            Full-stack Data Scientist/Engineer

Nanyang Technological University Singapore

wuchuheng wuchuheng
No time to explain, follow me !



Brute Force Lab Singapore

zhibiao zhibiao
勿在浮沙筑高台! 北京市海淀区

Miao Yu huajv
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.


Bing Lv easonlv
I have board interests in Data Mining and Machine Learning. I am particularly interested in Recommender System and Graph Neural Network.

Alibaba Group Beijing,China

I am the founder of ArtSensei, an AI-driven arts learning environment.
Eliot xutongtong
backend as a service.

No Company GuangDong ShenZhen

Fools zhangxx2015
You tell me I'm wrong.Then you'd better prove you're right. beijing