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Thomas P Tommy-2000
Recent university postgraduate in MSc. Computer Science. Past experience in Java, C# and Unreal Engine 4 (as a part of final Master's project).
James Wild wildjames

Silence Laboratories Sheffield

Evan Mr-Ev-H

Birmingham, UK

Umair Ashraf rock-007
Software Developer | Experienced in Java, Spring Boot,Python, AWS, k8, Distributed Systems
Constantine Dev constantinedev
Code is Poetry

Constantine Dev

Rosalyn Pearson RosalynLP
I'm a Senior Information Analyst in eDRIS at Public Health Scotland. Before that I did my PhD in particle physics at Edinburgh University.

@Public-Health-Scotland Edinburgh, Scotland

Calvin Merry CodeByCalvin
Full-stack Software Engineer

Sheffield, UK

Doctoral Student with QMUL & Canon Medical Research Europe

Canon Medical Research London, England

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Web3 dev / Data Scientist / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Rhian Davies StatsRhian
Senior data scientist at @The-Strategy-Unit | Statistical Ambassador for the Royal Statistical Society | #RStats geek

@The-Strategy-Unit @nhs-r-community North Tyneside

Matt Lewis MattLewis80
Solution Architect @ Kainos

Kainos Staffs, UK

Puria Gol P-u-r-i-a
Software Developer - Mainly interested in open source projects such as Vue, Laravel and Android


Sam samanson123
Hello I'm Sam! I have a passion for all things computers (preference on the software side) however I'm also a massive geek for cars!

Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust United Kingdom

Michael Seltene mseltene
AI enthusiast pursuing MSc in Advanced Computer Science

Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust London, United Kingdom

Zak Preston zp-0

NHS England Dorset