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Steven STCYC

Taipei, Taiwan

Lukas Vöge lukasvoege
Data Science and AI Engineering @BCG-X-Official

BCG X Hamburg, GER

lucas lucas-fern

Melbourne, Australia

Randi Griffin rgriff23
Lead Data Scientist at @BCG-X-Official

Boston Consulting Group Boston, MA, USA

Sergiu Sechel sechelsergiu

developer composer

São Paulo, Brazil

Guillaume O'LANYER olanyer
Managing Partner at Elucidy I help companies managing their data. I have experience in strategy and financial control.

ELUCIDY Paris, France

Manoj Chandra imanojchandra
Data Scientist | Data Analyst
Mathias Åsberg Mindgames
Investor & full-stack hacker Founder of

@Nextgrid @A-New-Native Sweden

Maurits van der Zee MauritsvanderZee
Aviation & code enthusiast with a background in strategy consulting

@flyoxide Munich, Germany

Aryan Jain Aryan227
Data Science Enthusiast.

New York City, NY, USA

igmp Natha1104
First task : Make money a lot!
Amr Sami Amr-sami
Amr Elwany

Computer Science - Ain Shams University Cairo - Egypt

Alice Chen yajingchen
AI Engineering Manager, Accenture Technology

Accenture New York, NY

Elias J. Willemse ejwillemse
CTO at Wast Labs (

Waste Labs London

Marc marc-solomon
Product Manager at QB
이준헌 leejoonhun


Lamine Abdellaoui Lamiiine
A Mathematician passionate about Data, Machines and Images
Michael Zhuang ilovejs
Go, Python, Js engineering


Thomas ApexCyberPunk
Peace! שׁלום سلام
Samuel Tovey SamTov
PhD Student in Computational/Theoretical Physics

University of Stuttgart Stuttgart, Germany

Filipe Oliveira filipeoliveiraa
Software Engineer @GLanDrive, Brand Manager @APBI and CTO at @GivingTuesdayPT

@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT world.