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workload identity support


  • supported version: v1.28.0
  • workload identity is supported on OpenShift, capz and other self-managed clusters
  • workload identity is NOT supported on AKS managed Azure Disk CSI driver since the driver controller is managed by AKS control plane which is already using managed identity by default, it's not necessary to use workload identity for AKS managed Azure Disk CSI driver.


Before proceeding with the following steps, please ensure that you have completed the Workload Identity installation guide. After completing the installation, you should have already installed the mutating admission webhook and obtained the OIDC issuer URL for your cluster.

1. Set environment variables

export CLUSTER_NAME="<your cluster name>"
export CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP="<cluster resource group name>"
export LOCATION="<location>"
export OIDC_ISSUER="<your cluster’s OIDC issuer URL>"

# [OPTIONAL] resource group where Azuredisk storage account reside
export AZURE_DISK_RESOURCE_GROUP="<resource group where Azuredisk storage account reside>"

# environment variables for the AAD application
# [OPTIONAL] Only set this if you're using a Azure AD Application as part of this tutorial
export APPLICATION_NAME="<your application name>"

# environment variables for the user-assigned managed identity
# [OPTIONAL] Only set this if you're using a user-assigned managed identity as part of this tutorial
export USER_ASSIGNED_IDENTITY_NAME="<your user-assigned managed identity name>"
export IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP="<resource group where your user-assigned managed identity reside>"

# Azuredisk CSI Driver Service Account and namespace
export SA_LIST=( "csi-azuredisk-controller-sa" "csi-azuredisk-node-sa" )
export NAMESPACE="kube-system"

2. Create an AAD application or user-assigned managed identity and grant required permissions

# create an AAD application if you are using Azure AD Application
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "${APPLICATION_NAME}"
# create a user-assigned managed identity if you are using user-assigned managed identity
az group create -n ${IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP} -l $LOCATION
az identity create --name "${USER_ASSIGNED_IDENTITY_NAME}" --resource-group "${IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP}"

Grant required permission to the AAD application or user-assigned managed identity, for simplicity, we just assign Contributor role to the resource group where Azuredisk storage class reside:

  • if you are using Azure AD Application:
export APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID="$(az ad sp list --display-name "${APPLICATION_NAME}" --query '[0].appId' -otsv)"
export AZURE_DISK_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID="$(az group show -n $AZURE_DISK_RESOURCE_GROUP --query 'id' -otsv)"
az role assignment create --assignee $APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID --role Contributor --scope $AZURE_DISK_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID
  • if you are using user-assigned managed identity:
export USER_ASSIGNED_IDENTITY_OBJECT_ID="$(az identity show --name "${USER_ASSIGNED_IDENTITY_NAME}" --resource-group "${IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP}" --query 'principalId' -otsv)"
export AZURE_DISK_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID="$(az group show -n $AZURE_DISK_RESOURCE_GROUP --query 'id' -otsv)"
az role assignment create --assignee $USER_ASSIGNED_IDENTITY_OBJECT_ID --role Contributor --scope $AZURE_DISK_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID

3. Establish federated identity credential between the identity and the service account issuer & subject

  • if you are using Azure AD Application:
# Get the object ID of the AAD application
export APPLICATION_OBJECT_ID="$(az ad app show --id ${APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID} --query id -otsv)"

# Add the federated identity credential:
cat <<EOF > params.json
  "name": "${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}",
  "issuer": "${OIDC_ISSUER}",
  "subject": "system:serviceaccount:${NAMESPACE}:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}",
  "description": "Kubernetes service account federated credential",
  "audiences": [
az ad app federated-credential create --id ${APPLICATION_OBJECT_ID} --parameters @params.json
  • if you are using user-assigned managed identity:
az identity federated-credential create \
--identity-name "${USER_ASSIGNED_IDENTITY_NAME}" \
--resource-group "${IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP}" \
--issuer "${OIDC_ISSUER}" \
--subject system:serviceaccount:"${NAMESPACE}":"${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}"

4. Install CSI driver manually

workload identity is NOT supported on AKS managed Azure Disk CSI driver if you are using AKS, please disable the managed Azure Disk CSI driver by --disable-disk-driver first

  • if you are using Azure AD Application:
export CLIENT_ID="$(az ad sp list --display-name "${APPLICATION_NAME}" --query '[0].appId' -otsv)"
export TENANT_ID="$(az ad sp list --display-name "${APPLICATION_NAME}" --query '[0].appOwnerOrganizationId' -otsv)"
helm install azuredisk-csi-driver charts/latest/azuredisk-csi-driver \
--namespace $NAMESPACE \
--set workloadIdentity.clientID=$CLIENT_ID \
--set workloadIdentity.tenantID=$TENANT_ID
  • if you are using user-assigned managed identity:
export CLIENT_ID="$(az identity show --name "${USER_ASSIGNED_IDENTITY_NAME}" --resource-group "${IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP}" --query 'clientId' -otsv)"
export TENANT_ID="$(az identity show --name "${USER_ASSIGNED_IDENTITY_NAME}" --resource-group "${IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP}" --query 'tenantId' -otsv)"
helm install azuredisk-csi-driver charts/latest/azuredisk-csi-driver \
--namespace $NAMESPACE \
--set workloadIdentity.clientID=$CLIENT_ID \
--set workloadIdentity.tenantID=$TENANT_ID

5. Deploy application using CSI driver volume

kubectl create -f
kubectl create -f