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File metadata and controls

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Super LMS


E-Learning Marketplace (Udemy Clone)

This is the Repo for the client

Open the deployed app here:



ShopPage.png CourseDetailPage.png ShoppingCartPage.png ContentPage.png

User Stories

For Instructors:

  • As an instructor, I want to be able to create and publish new courses for my students.

    • create course page
    • [/] edit lesson page
    • upload image to S3
  • As an instructor, I want to be able to upload course materials such as videos, slides, and quizzes.

    • create lesson page
    • edit lesson page
    • upload image and files to S3
    • video link
    • show image
    • show video
    • show file content
  • As an instructor, I want to be able to track the progress of my students.

    • lessons completion page
  • As an instructor, I want to be able to communicate with my students through the platform, by sending messages or responding to their questions.

    • course discussion page

For Students:

  • As a student, I want to be able to browse the available courses and enroll in the ones that interest me.
    • course shop page
    • course preview page
    • shopping cart page
    • stripe payment
  • As a student, I want to be able to access course materials from any device.
    • view course content
  • As a student, I want to be able to track my progress and see my grades and quiz results.
  • course progress built into course content page
  • As a student, I want to be able to communicate with my instructor and classmates through the platform, by sending messages or participating in discussion forums.
  • course discussion page, create/edit/delete posts

For Admin:

  • As an admin, I want to be able to manage user accounts, including creating new users, deleting users, and changing user roles.
    • dashboard table and record CRUD
  • As an admin, I want to be able to monitor the activity on the platform, including the courses being created and the student engagement levels.
    • dashboard chart
  • As an admin, I want to be able to generate reports on the platform usage, such as the number of courses, the number of enrolled students, and the average completion rates.
    • dashboard chart
  • As an admin, I want to be able to configure and customize the platform settings, such as the branding and the payment options.
    • not required

Learning Points

Tanstack Query

Important Information

Refine framework uses hooks based on an extended version of Tanstack Query. Understanding of how Tanstack query works is important for building the app. "useQuery" is a generic fetching and caching hook which uses a unique caching identifier called the "queryKey".

Supported Hooks

refine will consume:

  1. getList method using the useList or useInfiniteList data hook.
  2. create method using the useCreate data hook.
  3. update method using the useUpdate data hook.
  4. deleteOne method using the useDeleteOne data hook.
  5. getOne method using the useOne data hook.

useList is an extended version of Tanstack Query's useQuery hook.

RETURNS of useQuery hook

Frequently used:

  1. data
  2. error
  3. status (loading|success|error)
  4. fetchStatus (idle|fetching|loading|paused)
  5. isPreviousData

OPTIONS of useQuery hook

Frequently used:

  1. queryKey array of ['items', id], that uniquely identifies the data in the cache (note that queryKey is not directly defined in the useList hook)
  2. queryFn calls the fetch functions (note that the data provider that performs the fetch is called by useList based on it is a "List" and the resource = "items" )
  3. enabled (important) true to run this query, useful to run subqueries when the main query has valid data
  4. onSuccess further actions
  5. keepPreviousData for paginated pages, when moving off the current record, to prevent the loading state being shown see here
  6. **Staletime ** defaultOptions: {queries: {staleTime: X}} Tanstack query will make the data stale after X ms, and auto-refetch.

useForm Hook


  • onFinish
  • onValuesChange




  • Contains the data
  • = "loading | error | success"

Summary of Multipart/form-data

Topic multipart/form-data Binary data Base64 encoding
Purpose Upload binary files Native format for Convert binary data
computers to text format
for text-based
Example files Images, videos, PDFs, Any type of binary Any type of binary
documents data data
How data is transmitted Binary data is sent Binary data is sent Base64-encoded data
as-is in the request as-is in the request is sent as text in
body body the request body
Efficiency Most efficient for Most efficient Less efficient for
binary files transmission of transmission of
binary data binary data
Usage Used for file uploads Native format for Used for text-based
computers protocols that don't
support binary data
Examples of protocols HTML forms, HTTP, Any type of binary JSON, XML, email
that use the encoding Web APIs, file data transmission attachments
uploads, etc.
Advantages Efficient and widely Native format for Can transmit binary
supported computers data over text-based
Disadvantages Not suitable for Cannot be directly Adds overhead to
text-based protocols transmitted over the transmission
text-based protocols