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Transforming Tex with opengl renderer results in "Exception: Could not find a ring to attach" #3791

yang-tsao opened this issue May 29, 2024 · 2 comments


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Description of bug / unexpected behavior

When I try to transform Tex with opengl renderer, I encountered "Exception: Could not find a ring to attach". With the default cairo renderer everything worked fine.

Expected behavior

I expected my code will run even if I choose the opengl renderer.

How to reproduce the issue

Code for reproducing the problem

Run with the --renderer=opegl flag, and you'll encounter "Exception: Could not find a ring to attach". Without the --renderer=opegl flag, everything works just fine.

from manim import *

class Tran(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        A = Tex("A")
        B = Tex("B"), B))


Terminal output

Terminal Output

System specifications

System Details
  • OS: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, kernel: 6.8.0-31-generic
  • RAM: 64GB
  • Python version (python/py/python3 --version): Python 3.10.14
  • Installed modules (provide output from pip list):
Package              Version
-------------------- -----------
asttokens            2.4.1
Brotli               1.1.0
build                1.2.1
CacheControl         0.14.0
certifi              2024.2.2
cffi                 1.16.0
charset-normalizer   3.3.2
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cloup                3.0.5
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colour               0.1.5
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contourpy            1.2.1
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dearpygui            1.11.1
debugpy              1.8.1
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installer            0.7.0
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isosurfaces          0.1.2
jaraco.classes       3.4.0
jedi                 0.19.1
jeepney              0.8.0
jupyter_client       8.6.2
jupyter_core         5.7.2
keyring              24.3.1
kiwisolver           1.4.5
manim                0.18.1
ManimPango           0.5.0
mapbox-earcut        1.0.1
markdown-it-py       3.0.0
matplotlib           3.9.0
matplotlib-inline    0.1.7
mdurl                0.1.2
moderngl             5.10.0
moderngl-window      2.4.1
more-itertools       10.2.0
mpmath               1.3.0
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multipledispatch     0.6.0
nest_asyncio         1.6.0
networkx             3.3
numpy                1.26.4
packaging            24.0
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Pygments             2.18.0
PyOpenGL             3.1.7
pyparsing            3.1.2
pyproject_hooks      1.1.0
pyrr                 0.10.3
PySocks              1.7.1
python-dateutil      2.9.0
PyYAML               6.0.1
pyzmq                26.0.3
rapidfuzz            3.9.1
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SecretStorage        3.3.3
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LaTeX details
  • LaTeX distribution: TeX Live 2023
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uwezi commented May 29, 2024

is this really your complete code?

from manim import *

class Tran(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        A = Tex("A")
        B = Tex("B"), B))

You are missing any form of animation command inside the

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Contributor Author

Sorry, the code should be the following one:

from manim import *

class Tran(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        A = Tex("A")
        B = Tex("B"), B))

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