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350 lines (252 loc) · 20.8 KB

File metadata and controls

350 lines (252 loc) · 20.8 KB

FA reads configuration information only from FA.INI (unlike ARC.EXE that reads all ARC*.INI files), that should be placed to the same directory as FA executable. FA.INI has exactly the same structure as ARC.INI, plus allows to write Lua code in sections with headings [Lua code*].

FA contains builtin configuration file that you can display with fa --print-config. Its [Lua code] section provides examples of options defined with Lua code. As of FA 0.11, 11 of 45 options are defined in Lua, including 100-line long -mc implementation.

Lua code provided in config file is executed at the program start, right after executing builtin Lua code, and has access to the following resources:

  • all built-in Lua functions plus a few functions defined by the builtin Lua code
  • read/write access to values of C++ options as pseudo-fields of the command table
  • read/write access to values of Lua options as fields of the optvalue table
  • services provided by C++ code

"C++ options" and "Lua options" refer to options defined by C++ and Lua code, respectively.

You can use Lua code to:

I plan to further extend Lua scripting support with:

  • handling all the user interaction (UI, logfile) via Lua events
  • filename transformation events that can be used to implement -ap/-dp/-ep/...
  • Lua events to detect type of file data, sort the files being archived and split them into solid blocks
  • provide general archive operation that can add/extract/rename/delete files with multiple source and destination archives and use Lua functions to limit this general operation to the add/update/extract/delete/join ones

Pseudo-fields of the command table:

Services provided by C++ code:

  • FA_VERSION() returns FA version number as string, f.e. "0.11"
  • GetCpuThreads() is a number of threads that may run simultaneously on this box
  • GetPhysicalMemory() is a total RAM size, in bytes
  • GetAvailablePhysicalMemory() is a current free RAM size, in bytes
  • GetGlobalTime() returns wall-clock time in seconds since some moment
  • GetCpuTime() returns number of seconds spent in this process
  • SetLargePageMode(mode) sets the large page mode to one of: "DEFAULT", "TRY", "FORCE", "DISABLE", "MALLOC"
  • command.AllocTopDown is a boolean variable, true = allocate large memory blocks in BigAlloc() starting from memory top

Compression method is encoded by two pseudo-fields of command:

  • compression_groups contains list of group names such as "$text", "$bmp" and so
  • compression_methods contains corresponding sequences of compression methods, such as "exe+lzma:1g"

They are filled at the start of option post-processing with values determined from options implemented in C++. For example, for -m1 compression method, their values will be:

command.compression_groups = {'', '$compressed'}
command.compression_methods = {'rep:96mb:256:c256+4x4:tor:3:8mb', 'rep:96mb:256:c256'}

Since the arrays are synchronized, their lengths will be the same. At the end of option post-processing, their lengths also should be the same, while in-between you can change them in any way. It's strongly recommended to copy their values into local variables and assign final values at the end of processing, due to limited support of C++ variables in Lua.

You can modify these variables to change the compression method. Some examples of functions that you can employ for this task:

print (GetCompressionMem("lzma:1g:max") / 1e9 .. ' GB')
print (SetCompressionMem("lzma:1g:max",1e9))
print (GetMaxCompressedSize("lzma", 1e9))
onPostOption (function ()
    print (DecodeMethod("exe2+4xb"))

DecodeMethod expands abbreviated name of compressor or sequence of compressors with substitutions provided in [Compression methods] config sections. For example DecodeMethod('exe2+4xb') == 'dispack070+delta+4x4:lzma:96mb:normal:16:mc8'. The function isn't available until all options are parsed (i.e. you can use it only on option post-processing stage or later).

Getter methods return a number representing some size in bytes:

  • GetCompressionMem(method) - memory required for compression using given method
  • GetMinCompressionMem(method) - the same for method modified with :t1:i0 settings (can make the difference for 4x4 and grzip methods)
  • GetDecompressionMem(method) - memory required for decompression
  • GetMinDecompressionMem(method) - the same for method modified with :t1:i0 settings
  • GetDictionary(method) - dictionary (i.e. how far compressor looks searching for similar data)
  • GetBlockSize(method) - block size, i.e. how much data is meaningful to place in the single solid block (for BlockSorting algorithms and my LZP/Dict implementations)
  • GetAlgoMem(method) - "characteristic" memory size of algorithm (used only for displaying to user)
  • GetMaxCompressedSize(method,input_size) - maximum possible compressed size for given input_size when using this method. Note that result may depend on method settings, f.e. results for tor:1 and tor:5 will be different.
  • CompressionService(method, service, param=0) - generic function requesting info about the compression method, see doit() implementations for possible service values; the result is always numeric, f.e. CompressionService("aes", "encryption?") returns 1. If method doesn't implement the requested service, FREEARC_ERRCODE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED == -8 will be returned.

Setter methods return string with modified method:

  • SetDictionary(method,BYTES) - set method dictionary
  • SetBlockSize(method,BYTES) - set compression block size
  • SetCompressionMem(method,BYTES) - modify method so that it uses given amount of RAM for compression
  • SetDecompressionMem(method,BYTES) - modify method so that it uses given amount of RAM for extraction. It may be used on extraction since it modifies method without losing compatibility with compressed data. This setter can only reduce number of additional threads and buffers used for decompression. Current implementation can reduce 4x4 and grzip settings up to :t1:i0, but can't modify any other compression methods.
  • SetMinDecompressionMem(method,BYTES) - modify method so that it can be extracted using given amount of RAM, possibly with limited speed (i.e. using :t1:i0 setting for 4x4 and grzip). It should be used only on compression stage since it can return method incompatible with original. This function can reduce dictionary, block size and so on.
  • CompressionModify(method, service, param) - generic function for modification of compression method, see doit() implementations for possible service values. The method will return unchanged if it doesn't implement the requested service.

If some concept (i.e. dictionary or block size) isn't supported by given algorithm, getter methods will return 0, and setter methods will return original method. Note that setters can modify method string since it always goes through the parsing and pretty-printing transfromations.

Also note that compression_methods contains compressor sequence strings like "exe+lzma:1g", for processing with getters and setters you need to split them into individual methods with split_method and then combine back with join_method.

These functions are enough to implement options -lc, -ld, -md, -mm, -ms. You can learn how to deal with compression method looking at -mc implementation.

Example of event handler registration:

onArchiveStart(function ()
    print("Started processing of "..command.arcname)

You can register handlers for the following events:

  • ProgramStart/ProgramDone - fired once at the start and end of program execution
  • CommandStart/CommandDone - fired for each command executed
  • ArchiveStart/ArchiveDone - fired for each archive processed
  • Option/PostOption - implements low-level option processing
  • FileFilter - low-level interface for filtering files to process
  • Error and Warning - fired when program encounters error or should produce a warning. Not implemented yet.

Instead of function, you can provide a string with its textual representation, it may be useful for handlers generated from the user input:

onArchiveStart([[function ()
    print("Started processing of "..command.arcname)

Each event is handled by calling Lua function with the same name. Built-in definitions of these functions just run all handlers registered with corresponding onXXX calls - until one of the handlers returns non-nil result that is then returned to C++ as an result of the entire event. If you will ever need more complex event handling machinery, you can replace builtin definitions with your custom ones:

-- Replace builtin definiton of ArchiveStart()
function ArchiveStart()
    print("Started processing of "..command.arcname)
    print("Handlers registered with onArchiveStart will not be called")

On compression operation, the program scans disk looking for files to compress. On extraction operation (as well as listing and testing), the program scans archive looking for files to extract. In both cases, all the files found (either on disk or in the archive) are checked against handlers registered for the FileFilter event - the file will be included in operation only if all handlers returned true for that file.

Handler example:

onFileFilter (function (name, type, size, time, attr)
    return size < 1024

As you see, FileFilter handler receives information about the file - path-stripped filename, filesize, file creation time, and windows/unix attributes. FileFilter event now can filter only files (no directories and so on), so the type parameter will always be the same.

The alternative way to define the same filter is AddFileFilter('size < 1024'). The AddFileFilter function accepts only one expression for the return statement, but it's more efficient - all the expressions registered with this function are combined together to produce just one filter function and that makes the filtering faster.

The builtin option --filter/-f allows to filter files with Lua code:

fa a arc "--filter= return size < 1e6"   "-f size>1000"

Part of options are defined in the C++ code and part in the builtin Lua code. You can define more options using Lua code in the config file. But irrespective of their origin, all options are placed in the single table with entries looking like that:

name: 'autogenerate', 
priority: 0,
prefixes: {'-ag[FORMAT]', '--autogenerate=[FORMAT]'}, 
description: 'append to archive name string generated by strftime',
parser: function(param) ... end,
post_handler: function() ... end

Table fields has the following meaning:

  • name is the unique string indentifying the option. Table can't contain several options with the same name, instead attempt to define option with the same name will replace existing definition with the new one. This way you can modify or completely replace builtin options defined by the Lua and C++ code.
  • priority defines the order of option parsing
  • prefixes are 1) displayed in the program help, and 2) used for option parsing
  • description is only displayed in the program help
  • parser is called to recognize the option data
  • post_handler is called after processing all options in the command line and expected to perform actual work requested by the option

If you know the option name, you can:

  • modify the textual part of option definition by calling AddOption(name, [priority,] prefixes, description). Priority may be omitted and defaults to 0.
  • remove the option by calling RemoveOption(name)

Here you can find names of C++ options and names of builtin Lua options.

There are 3 ways to define new option: high-level, mid-level and low-level. Lower levels are more flexible, but less organized. It's recommended to define options at the highest level possible. High-level way to define/modify option is implemented by the function call:

AddOption(name, [priority,] prefixes, description, type, post_handler)


          '-smBYTES --min-size=BYTES --SizeMore=BYTES', 
          'minimum filesize to process',
          function(min_size) AddFileFilter('size>='..min_size) end)

Option type should be one of the following constants:

  • OPTION_BOOL - assigns true value to the option, parsing fails if any extra chars are passed after the option prefix
  • OPTION_STRING/OPTION_LIST - accepts any string
  • OPTION_NUMBER - parses parameter as floating-point number, i.e. 1.5e6 is valid value
  • OPTION_POWER, OPTION_BYTES, OPTION_KILOBYTES, OPTION_MEGABYTES, OPTION_GIGABYTES and so on - parameter is parsed as size in bytes. It allows any floating-point number, optionally followed by any of ^, b, k, kb, m, mb... The suffix defines interpretation of the numeric part (N^ means pow(2,N)). When suffix is omitted, it's determined from the option type

Type defines the values that option may have. Parsed option value assigned to optvalue[name]. If option type is OPTION_LIST, this variable will contain list of all option values, otherwise it will contain the single boolean/string/number representing the last option value. If option wasn't encountered in the command, optvalue[name] will remain nil.

Post-processing handler is the function called after processing all input options, and only if this specific option was encountered in the command. The option value optvalue[name] is passed to the handler. If post-processing failed, the handler should return string describing the error.

Mid-level way to define/modify option is implemented by the function call:

AddOption(name, [priority,] prefixes, description, parser, post_handler)

The following definition is equivalent to the high-level one in the previous section:

          '-smBYTES --min-size=BYTES --SizeMore=BYTES', 
          'minimum filesize to process',

              local size = parse_mem(param,'b')
              if size then
                  optvalue.min_size = size
                  return 'cannot parse "'..param..'" as size'

              if optvalue.min_size then
                  AddFileFilter('size>=' .. optvalue.min_size) 


  • High-level method automatically generates the parser function that checks option value correctness according to the type, then either assigns parsed value to optvalue[name] or returns error message. On mid-level, you should implement it yourself and it's recommended to save option value to the same optvalue[name] variable. OTOH, you get full control of the option parsing, and mid-level approach is recommended for options that require more specific value checks or custom error messages.
  • Post-processing handler is called anyway and doesn't have a parameter. It's your duty to extract option value from the global variable where you have stored it, and check that this value isn't empty.

So, high-level method is just a thin wrapper around mid-level one, adding above-mentioned features.

The low-level way to define options is to handle Option and PostOption events directly. Going this way, you need first to add bare option description to the table:

          '-smBYTES --min-size=BYTES --SizeMore=BYTES', 
          'minimum filesize to process')

It lacks event handlers and therefore will be used only for the help screen. Then we are going to register Option and PostOption event handlers:

onOption (function (option)
    local param = option:start_with('-sm','--min-size=','--SizeMore=')
    if param then
        local size = parse_mem(param,'b')
        if size then
            optvalue.min_size = size
            return 1

    if optvalue.min_size then
        AddFileFilter('size>=' .. optvalue.min_size) 

Option handler will be called for each option in the command, so it's your duty to filter out options by the prefix. For this task, the start_with function/method is provided that returns remainder of the string if it has on of given prefixes, and nil otherwise. The handler should return 1 if option is successfully consumed, and nil otherwise. There is no way to return error message.

PostOption event handlers are called at the same time and has the same parameters (none) as post-processing handlers associated to the options.

The main drawback of low-level option handling is that option description, parser and post-processing handler are no more assocaited with each other. The RemoveOption call will remove only the option description, but cannot deactivate the event handlers. The Option handler will be called at unspecified moment and should manually ensure correct parsing of overloaded options instead of relying on the parsing order. And it cannot return an error message. That's why I don't recommend to use this way, especially in publicly-shared code.

Some options are overloaded, providing more than one parsing for the same option string. This overloading is resolved by checking all option parsers in the predefined order - the first parser that succeeds "steals" the option. If no parser accepted the option, the program displays error messages from them all:

C:\>fa a arc -sla

  ERROR! Failed parsing of "-sla" in the command line:
    as '-slBYTES' option: cannot parse "a" as size
    as '-sGROUPING' option: cannot parse "la" as file grouping specification

Options are sorted by the priority (higher priorities first) and then by the length of short prefix, i.e. prefix started with single '-' (longer prefixes first). Sorting by short prefixes ensures that most specific prefixes will be tried first (long prefixes i.e. those started with '--' are usually don't overlap, in particular because they usually include '=' at the end). And a few cases when the "short prefix rule" doesn't work, you can solve with priorities. It's recommended to assign priorities that are multiply of 100 in order to keep space for insertion in-between.

The following example demonstrates options sorted according to this rule (only priority and prefixes fields are shown):

{ 100, '-ab[SIZE]'}
{   0, '-abc[SIZE]  --x=SIZE'}
{   0, '-ab[SIZE]   --xy=SIZE'}
{   0, '-a[SIZE]    --xyz=SIZE'}
{   0, '            --xyzt=SIZE'}
{-100, '-ab[SIZE]'}

Option parser works by the following algorithm:

  1. it stripes description part from option prefixes, for example -ag[FORMAT] --autogenerate=[FORMAT] list is transformed into {'-ag', '--autogenerate='} (description is considered as capital letters and brackets at the end of line)
  2. it sorts option list as described above
  3. it checks each option in this order against the current option from command; the check is performed using cmdline_option:start_with(option.striped_prefixes) and if start_with returns non-nil value, the option.parser is executed on its result
  4. the first parser that succeeds consumes the option, if all parsers failed then collection of error messages they have returned is printed